Tag: Tony Hunt

Tony answers a bunch of cheesy MySpace Questions

Ten years ago to the day…

Tony Answers A Bunch of Questions – June Blog pt1
Name: Tony Hunt
Birthday: Friday the 13th
Birthplace: Buffalo, NY
Current Location: Fort Worth, TX
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5’7″
Right Handed or Left Handed: Lefty
Your Heritage: Italian/French
The Shoes You Wore Today: Sketchers
Your Weakness: people thinking of me without my prompting -  nice eyes …
Your Fears: Being Alone & Not living up to my dreams
Your Perfect Pizza: no anchovies and I am fine
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Hmmm..think about it.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: “kk”
Thoughts First Waking Up: “Where is…oh…damn I am awake :(“
Your Best Physical Feature: I dont have a best physical feature to my knowledge, and if I do I dont want to hear about it.
Your Bedtime: When exhaustion takes me.
Your Most Missed Memory: Eww. Too mushy for myspace.
Pepsi or Coke: neither..I dont do sodas.
MacDonalds or Burger King: BK
Single or Group Dates: Is there a third option where you dont have to call it a date? I prefer to know someone pretty well before pursueing any sort of  romantic ambitions.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: if it isnt hot, it doesnt matter.
Chocolate or Vanilla: VANILLA  YUMYUM
Cappuccino or Coffee: only if necessary
Do you Smoke: Not for months (go me!)
Do you Swear: unfortunately…yes
Do you Sing: I could sing really well when I was a kid (lots of voice training) lost it all when my voice changed.
Do you Shower Daily: at least once per day if at all possible
Have you Been in Love: yeah..hurts alot.
Do you want to go to College: I actually want to go back for grad school yeah.
Do you want to get Married: not particularly, I love relationships, but  marriage just doesnt mean what it used to.
Do you beleive in yourself: everyone believes, everyone doubts.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only if there isnt fresh air.
Do you think you are Attractive: One can only hope.
Are you a Health Freak: Heh, i should be, I know what I am doing to myself 🙂
Do you get along with your Parents: when necessary yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: The most awesome natural occurence ever!

Do you play an Instrument: Jazz percussion ~10 years
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yep
In the past month have you Smoked: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: nope
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: nope
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nope
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: yes
Ever Shoplifted: nope
How do you want to Die: with satisfaction
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: lets wait til I grow up and then see what I will be.
What country would you most like to Visit: italy
In a Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: doesn’t matter
Favourite Hair Color: doesn’t matter
Short or Long Hair: doesn’t matter
Height: doesn’t matter
Weight: depends, i want to be attracted to the person
Best Clothing Style: Doesn’t matter
Number of Drugs I have taken: too many to count
Number of CDs I own: used to be alot, archived them and now very few
Number of Piercings: a couple…
Number of Tattoos: 🙂 no ink
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Countless. Life without regret is an idea, not a realistic state.

This is just another day in my life…

Picture a small suburbian corner store.

Most of the people living in and around the area may not know each other, but we’ve seen each other before. We say hi or at least nod to each other in passing. It’s a pretty friendly day. I have an incredible addiction to TruMoo that draws me to the corner store almost daily.

As I approach the entrance, another patron approaches the same door and I open it for her. She seems surprised and looks at me like I just did something unheard of. I say, “After you.” I go and grab my Trumoo and as it happens end up in line behind that same woman.

As we’re in line we both seem to be cutting joke with the staff there (this is a regular thing) and the woman seems incredibly familiar, or maybe it’s the other voice yelling inside my head “GET HER NUMBER YOU MORON!” …there’s no doubt – she’s cute, outgoing and I place her at around 30(ish).

Still **something** stops me…it was totally subconscious. No rings, no ring marks, no indications that she’s an axe murderer…so why am I not engaging the conversation?!

She gets through with her purchases and the internal conflict in my subconscious is totally becoming audible to me.

I get through with my purchases just as she reaches the door and I am STILL not pulling the trigger. This simply isn’t me. I may not always make a move or engage someone that is interested, but it’s always a pretty conscious choice…yet still here I am and I can already tell. I’m not going to talk to her.

It turns into slow motion. She’s stopped at her car and is just leaning against it now smiling. I smile at her, she smiles back…

…and I get into my car and start driving away.

Yup. Not only did I not take advantage of the chance…I am getting the distinct impression I just totally choked…and THAT is not how it works in TonyTown. I may be a big dork, but striking up conversation isn’t usually a problem.

…I drive about ten feet forward. What the hell?! Am I turning into THAT guy?! The one that can’t approach someone on a dime? It’s not like I’m Don Juan or anything, but approaching and talking…lol…I’ve been doing that since I was born! She had a great personality and I am obviously interested…why not ask?!

At this point my brain does its thing and I manage to rummage through a gazillion years of memories to find the few that my subconscious had access to that apparently weren’t connecting with me.

That attractive and compelling woman and I had met before…and now I know why I was holding back. She was an ex of one of my oldest friends and undeniably one of the centerpoints of absolute psychotic behavior I and a number of my friends had ever encountered. She was the center of a number of trashed friendships and for a couple of those friends the crux of trashed relationships.

Now it was clear. Man…it’d been 10 maybe 15 years…I honestly don’t know if she’s still the same person. I just remember the windfall of crazy shit that happened to me at her hands.

I stopped the car for a sec and looked back her direction. Yup…there she was.

I move on and remember that my brain is incredibly functional and will sometimes look out for me even when I might be thinking about (or with) something else.

Yep. Just another day. 😉


Good people…

Sometimes I really love where I live…I mean geographically of course.

Okay I love it a LOT of the time.

I almost didn’t write about it because it wasn’t earth-shattering ranting news I usually gravitate to when writing.

I have been moving, and it’s been slow because I’ve been moving in multiple directions and maintaining the business at the same time has been a little chaotic.

Anyhow, while I was running errands yesterday, the car in front of me had turned their hazard lights on and the guy driving had jumped out to push his car because it was in a bad spot and would have caused a bit of a jam.

Now, I like top help people as a practice. Some people don’t, but I consider it almost a moral obligation to help where situations present themselves. I don’t really slant others for not feeling the same way, but my sense of priorities doesn’t tell me I cant help someone out because I might miss a hockey game or miss a meal. My hopes are that I can only lead by example and that someday everyone feels that same sense of obligation I do in cases like this.

I’m not mental about it, but I can hope, ya know?

So I pull into the parking lot nearby and run over to help the guy (who is now having a very hard time trying to push his truck up an incline to get it out of traffic. I ask if he minds if I help him out, and of course he’s appreciative. I am not really paying attention to anything except moving a truck up this incline because it’s not a small truck and it’s not a small incline…but the truck IS moving and we don’t have too far to go.

Within like 30 seconds, two more people park their cars next to mine, run over next to me and start helping push…at which point the truck is no longer very hard to push and we get it safely out into the parking lot. I don’t know why, but immediately afterward I asked if everyone there was from The Colony…sure enough, everyone was local. I kind of grin and state to no one in particular how much I love this area, check with the driver of the down truck to see if he needs a ride or more help and he declines but thanks me for offering (he had already called for a can of gas…he was out).

Now, I’ve done this sort of thing a lot, I mean so many times I couldn’t count. The reason this event stood out for me so much was that two other people pulled over to help! Honestly, that doesnt happen. People are honestly just too preoccupied with whatever they’re doing normally. But here, I wasn’t the only guy getting out to help push.

I just think thats one of the coolest things. I like it here. 😉