Tag: wallet

Kudos for Google…

Just a homespun graphic of googleGoogle sent me this link a little while ago, and it meant a lot to see it.


If you didn’t know about this. A couple years back I competed in Google’s Project 10 to the 100. My foundation project was to build an education system that allowed an open forum for educators and subject matter authorities to discuss and dictate curriculum (not politicians/civil leaders), utilizing up to date education methodologies(our public education system is old and non-competitive globally), and most importantly…free.

Well…obviously, I didn’t win the grant, but the Khan Academy did win, and allowed their curriculum to be translatable in a number of global languages, allowing for an education system that is FREE. It’s almost exactly what I was hoping for.

I just wanted to say that while there is a LOT of banter on what Google’s mission is…they are one of the few big players that are in it to make the world a better place, not just fill their wallet. It was cool to see that they’d granted not just the money from Project 10 to the 100, but also about 100 million more to other initiatives.

Google (and Microsoft) taught me a long time ago that employers can choose to be a part of the solution, rather than being just another part of the system. I wish everyone shared the same business model.

/end kudos-ranty-type-post


PS – I swear I’ll post more. Really. This is just a phase I swear πŸ˜‰

Do monkeys put their info on the net. No They Dont.

Silly Questionaire

Do monkeys put their info on the net. No They Dont.

Do monkeys put their info on the net. No They Dont.

This was such an interesting set of questions from MySpace I am dumping them over to my Blog too.
{I cant believe this is from 7 years ago…lol!}

1.What were you doing last night at midnight?
Trying to get someone OUT of my bedroom.

2. What color shirt are you wearing?

3. Have you made out with anyone who is a friend on myspace?
More than a few.

4. Do you have “a thing” for anyone on your top 8?
God yes.

5. Do you hold grudges?
Only where girlfriends are concerned.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken?
I got the tshirt, the hat, AND the trophy.

7. Do you have a good relationship with both your parents?
My father’s family doesn’t know i exist and my mother is on vacation 70% of the year. Figure it out.

8. Last movie you saw in theatres?

9. Name 3 things that you have on you at all times?
keys, phone, wallet…clothes not as much πŸ˜‰

10. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage?
Shower..then take turns

11. Name a teacher you have the hots for?
Heh, she wasnt a teacher when I was in school πŸ˜‰

12. How much cash do you have on you right now?
Enough to pay someone to rough you up.

13. Who’s the 4th person on your recieved call list?
My roomie

14. What’s the main ringtone on your phone?
Whats a ringtone?

15. What were you doing at midnight two nights ago?
Sleeping…wishing someone I actually liked was sleeping with me…

16. How many people on your friends list are ex’s?
I dont feel like counting.

17. What does your mom do for a living?
Author / Novelist

18. What’s your favorite city?
One that I dont live in.

19. Whats your favorite color?
Black and Silver

20. “I can’t wait until…”
I get some serious “me-time”

21. When was the last time you saw your mom?
Years…dont say it, I miss her enough without some jackass trying to talk to me about it.

22. What do you look for in a significant other?
Someone that knows what she wants, knows what she likes, and knows that we’ll spend years together making each other smile. The details can be figured out along the way…

23. How long have you been at your current job?
getting close to two years

24. Is Tom on your friends list?

25. What’s the last thing you said outloud?
“I need your help”

26. What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on?
Me – Car tune-up

27. What kind of shoes did you wear today?
Airwalk Leather Sandals

28. Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
shirt from a friend

29. “I really wish I drove a…

30. What website(s) do you go to?
too many

31. Go into your text message log on your phone whos the last person that texted you?

32. Do you have an air freshener in your car?

33. Do you have plants in your room?

34. If you could drink anything this second what would it be?
A 57 Chevy
Southern Comfort / Gran Marnier / Amaretto
Pineapple / Cranberry / Orange

35. What are you listening to right now?
Keystrokes in the office

36. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my brain

37. What city was your last taxi cab ride in?

38. Last alcoholic drink?

39. If someone you hated died, would you laugh and spit on their grave?
Nope…but I might sleep better.

40. Do you own a picture phone?
not willingly

42. What’s your favorite Starbucks drink?
Vinti Vanilla Quad Latte

43. Do you exercise as much as you should?

46. Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you?
never have, never will!

47. If I don’t like you..?
Your personal problems are just that…YOURS

48. Recent time you were really upset?
When i found out what was wrong with my car.

49. Are you thinking about someone right now?

50. Last time you cried?
I dont have a tear-duct in my right eye…its literally just a small hole/tube that drains alot…no valve. Technically I am crying all the time so this question just doesnt have the same effect on me.

[2013/08/14]Soooo…I have nearly 800 posts on my blog, and the oldest of them are either broken or in need of some updates or link-fixes…so here I am slowly fixing all my oldest stuff. It’s kind of funny because this was something I picked up from Myspace…