Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Put a Ring On It!

No No No. Not me.

But my friend Michael Krivicka did (aka the bald guy from….and he did it in a truly amazing manner. Not only does Michael get a resounding congrats on his engagement, but he also get’s one for this truly awesome proposal. This proposal is also what will be used for the first episode of a new WEtv show called “Put a Ring On It”.

And finally…a HUGE hats off to Michael…since he is also the director of this new pilot.

Awesome job Michael, and like I said, I am totally calling you the next I want to pop the question.
Umm…not popping the question on YOU…to be clear…because you totally raised the bar for all your friends 😉

About Douche-Bags

I’d just like to apologize to the many people I told would be seeing more traffic here.

A lot has gone on. I moved in with one of my oldest and best friends. Been working like mad.

But…most importantly, I simply found myself only POed about one thing.

There is this absolute loser in Austin that had EVERYTHING, the gorgeous loyal and awesome smart wife, and awesome kids, and a great job.

And to serve his own lack of self esteem…started beating them, and ultimately, emotionally abusing them into feeling like no other options were there. Now if you guys have ever seen what I get like when presented with a crying woman whose just told me she’s been hit by a guy…

..I will never sit idle and let such action occur…ever. It might take me days, months, or years…but I will not sit idly by and allow even a chance for it to continue.

That said, the smart and awesome wife mentioned above, she’s a far more popular blogger than I am…and because of the divorce…she’s not even allowed to post to her website.

Yes…I am totally considering the road trip down there to have a little chat with him and educate him on what I consider to be nothing less than karmic reaction on a cosmic scale.
Yes…she’s already involved the police, they refuse to act, even though he’s already been busted for abuse and isnt even allowed to be near his oldest child at all.
Yes…she’s going to ream him in the divorce.

But unfortunately it’s not stopping him from liquidating everything they own and refusing to pay for any bills on their home. He doesn’t lift a finger to take care of the kids, and will not even make sure the kids can eat. He’s effectively cut them off from all finances and made sure she cant touch anything, and staying in just enough range of the judges graces to stay out of jail. He’ll only pay utilities when they’re getting disconnected. He’ll only pay when motions are files and the judge says “do it or jail”.

So yeah…he’s a piece of work. He went out and bought himself a new luxury car but cant help pay for his kids clothes or school supplies.

He is that kind of man. Nothing short of a pillow biting coward.

So here is what I am going to do. I am going to keep complaining about it here. In public.

And when the divorce is final…I am going to name him clearly on every single post I ever mentioned him in, so that no one else ever is caught near him unaware. His is a wife and child beater, with zero sense of parental instinct. If I ever get the chance, well…lets just all hope it doesn’t happen.

That’s it…rant over…at least for now.


The lack of reason…

Constant…unending…and worst of all…misleading.

I actually have had so much stupid to deal with that I had to build a full list of all the crazy holy jesus on a merry go round stupid items. The bad part…is there was so much blindingly omnipresent voids of common sense…I even got caught in some. I knee-jerked, and luckily I hadn’t published an article on it here yet by the time I got details.

There is NOT a Mosque Being Build At Ground Zero.

The first two times someone hooked me up with links regarding the controversial Mosque planned near Ground Zero, I laughed. The links we’re knee-jerk reactions, misinformed, and altogether inaccurate. Leading readers to believe that literally think that a Mosque was being built at Ground Zero in memory of 9/11. This half truth of course spurred an insane amount of more knee-jerking and before the reality of the situation was even clear to the public. Private organizations from all walks and states were pulling strings to stop them.
Worse still, people were (and are still…even in the media) deliberately omitting the fact that the proposed mosque isn’t actually at Ground Zero…it’s just near it. Even worse still, the proposed mosque is being built and dedicated in memory of all those that lost their lives in 9/11.

How did(do) you commemorate this tragedy? The U.S. has already labeled the day National Day of Service and Remembrance. I’ve made an effort to get out and help/volunteer somewhere ever since this initiative began (4-5 years I think?). For some however, it is enough to simply feel offended when the Islamic community, who also lost more than a few of its own, mourns those lost as well.

I am and always will be the first person to call out the failings of religion. More so the failings of any that teach intolerance…which is almost all of them. However, I will never infringe upon the rights to worship. I only criticize the religion that can’t practice tolerance. In this case, lots of views are relevant and some are not altogether mistaken in their stance. How dare citizens take measures to stop this. It’s an effing community center and church for heaven’s sake. Freedom of Religion. This is like an instant push-button for me. I have seen so many people become absolute monsters in the name of their Christian values. It’s like you guys make this great leap of faith in a deranged effort to hate what you know nothing of. Such a huge waste of energy.

Worse…you’re letting the media sensationalize it too.
You’re promoting misinformation…why?
Because you don’t want to be seen as having made an ass of yourself repeatedly about the mosque.
You see…there is a problem in this whole “OMFG they’re building a Mosque at Ground Zero?!?!?”

There is already a Mosque very close to Ground Zero.
There is already a Mosque very close to Ground Zero.
There is already a Mosque very close to Ground Zero.

…wait…maybe I wasn’t clear enough….


So for every one of you that have been traipsing around acting like you’re finally a member of the fascist majority. Congratulations. You’re fighting the process of a Community Center being built too, also donated by the Muslim community.

Now that I’ve made my rant. Listen to John‘s. He’s one of those few fighting to bring some common sense back to Capitol Hill.

My shameful take on the Mosque
by John Jay Myers

I called this “My shameful take on the Mosque”, because I believe our country has much more important things to worry about than destroying property rights and freedom of religion. I have noticed that whenever election season comes around the media pulls out all the truly divisive issues in our culture.

This is a shame, it is a shame that I have to defend the basic principles of our country in this day and age. Possibly more shameful that I have to do it to combat rhetoric from my peers.

A cursory glance at the New York mosque situation tells you that the government has no right to stop a mosque from being built. There is no special area around ground zero where suppressing religion and blocking people’s use of their property is somehow ok.

Last I checked this was America and we believe in the Constitution, and we believe in rights.

Most Libertarians will tell you that you MAY be a Libertarian if you believe in property rights and freedom of religion.
But common sense will tell you that you are definitely NOT a libertarian if you don’t.

But then there are some who say the bigger question is, not whether the government can stop it, but “Is it right?” Some people are saying that this is an insult to those who died. That the people building this mosque are being insensitive. Those people are the most insensitive people in America.

For example, right wing conservative Wayne Allyn Root said, “the building of a mosque at the attack site where thousands of our own perished in an act of war – must not be allowed.”

Wayne couldn’t be more wrong. Some of those Americans who died were Muslim Americans. 7 Million Muslim Americans mourned the attacks on 9/11. Libertarians are proud of not making knee jerk reactions, and that we stick to our principles. Wayne and other talking head pundits are insinuating that it was all Muslims who attacked us, when in fact it was just a few. They are casting a broad racist net over an entire culture.

Can you imagine how ignorant and racist it would sound if someone said that a church could not be built in Oklahoma City because the ones responsible for that attack were Christians?

You have every right to feel however you wish about Muslims or any group you like, and you have every right to express your feelings. But, by calling for government to stop the mosque, you are allowing the terrorists to win. We cannot allow them, or racist sentiments perpetuated by TV talking heads, to threaten American freedoms.
By calling on the Muslims to stop building the Mosque you are blaming 1.5 billion people for the actions of 18.

They say if fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and waving a cross.

You may think a mosque dishonors dead Americans. But I assure you, spreading racism, threatening property rights, and calling for the state to target religions you don’t like is a greater dishonor, to all Americans.

Much to our chagrin, this kind of common sense unfortunately is the severe minority. It’s simply easier to blame people that others will blame for the same reason rather than step back and think.

The moral, please allow yourself the time to learn about situations like this before going on a media warpath. All the while, we’re doing little more that proving to the world we’re incapable of practicing what we our laws are preaching.

Chicago Tribune
CNN Video on NY’s Spineless Governor – David Paterson
CNN Timeline on Mosque