Tag: No More Stupid

It’s been a while…

It’s funny. Sometimes I wonder where my voice is, and then other times…well..other times it simply seems like there’s too much to scream about. I may a big dork, but this is the stuff of which my brain begins its long long journey.

I still love writing. I’ll never stop really, however I just looked at the site…and I could have sworn I’d published at least a few things in the last few months.

But alas…such is not the case after all.

I managed to stop writing, and this is part of my voice…and incredibly important part. Because I am one of those people that already know…not suspect…I actually know how unforgiving and relentless the internet can be…but I need to vent. That same voice that my friends can hear by only seeing my expression for a couple seconds. That same emotive conscience that bolsters my courage to improve and grow and try and take everyone important to me along for the ride just seemed to take a vacation.

I cant really say that I made any big life changes. My business grew a bit, I’ve gotten busier. I’ve had some hard choices and experiences…but who doesn’t?

Somewhere in there, I re-prioritized my need to talk…to rant…hell…I haven’t even published any recipe’s in ages. So it begs the question…what am I expecting now? My opinions on the state of the human race in general certainly haven’t budged…I let that one ride on its own as a potential revisit of some “No More Stupid” posts.

I’ve found that I am enamored by the people that have the cajones to believe in something other that their own financial prosperity. I still seek that inspiration, and I still wake up every single morning and laugh at all the people that don’t consider it a blessing to be alive.

Maybe thats what it is.

Thus ends my incredibly useless stream of thought in trying to discern the real reason why I haven’t written anything…because we all know I certainly should be putting more *stuff* here. Feel free to complain or rant. I obviously need the activity 😉


No. More. Stupid. – Wikileaks and Dead Animals

NOTE: Somehow this never got published and I found it while traipsing the jungle of unfinished entries in my journal. While it is dated I don’t liek the idea that I didn’t put this on the site. So enjoy! -Tony 8/16/2012

WikiLeaks isn’t the problem.

Assange isn’t the problem.

The government classifies far too much information, and the information that is actually extremely sensitive isn’t guarded well enough. But that doesn’t matter, because Assange is a scapegoat. Let me ask you something.

If your HOA was deliberately turning a blind eye to its largest contributor because of the money they contribute by constantly ignoring disturbingly illegal activities in the neighborhood, would you hang your next door neighbor, who is in the exact same situation you are, when that neighbor gives all the incriminating information about those activities to the media?

I don’t bloody think so…although you may want to spank them for the inconvenience.

It’s simply astounding. Julian Assange is being sensationalized by the media. The media has made the Wikileaks agenda so much more successful than any one man could have. I daresay he’s also being completely misrepresented by the governments he’s blowing the whistle on. Another point I’d like to make is that the Wikileaks organization is not being treated properly, due process is only being followed where there is direct public scrutiny.

Coming full circle, the media isn’t giving much info on the actual leaks…its just focusing on how evil Wikileaks is and hype. At first it really seemed like the news organizations were in it to go through the documents and out everyone who’d been playing dirty. This is entertainment at its best people…what are we doing about it? The governments…specifically big banking, stopped giving Wikileaks to accept payments via Visa, MasterCard, etc. Governments tried to actually freeze Wikileaks accounts, even though there was no government action ordering that it happen (and there still isn’t).

Let me throw you a curve ball. Wikileaks isn’t anywhere near as “rogue” as you think. Before releasing the information, they consulted with a large number of the worlds largest news organizations to recruit help in making sure the wrong information wasn’t released…you know…the stuff that will get people killed kind of stuff. NOW EVERYONE FORGET YOU JUST READ THAT, so you can go on about your wonderful day thinking that Wikileaks is criminally negligent in allowing this information to be released.

Instead of addressing the very large number of examples of poor candor and decidedly unprofessional monologues…our tax dollars are going into focusing on the owner of WikiLeaks…like he wrote all these things about all these countries.

Please don’t get me wrong. I understand the need for national security…but Mr. Assange didn’t steal the documents, and he’s not bound by US law. He’s just the front-man for Wiki-Leaks.

Assange didn’t leak the information. The US military did. Wikileaks is just another media outlet, the only difference is that people pay more attention to Wikileaks than the hundreds of thousands of blogging and conspiracy theory sites that publish the same ideas and data.

And by the way, the sensationalism has caused some of the WikiLeaks crew to start OpenLeaks. Another venue for people to submit leaks to the media anonymously. Don’t be mad at them, the media allowed them to get the backing for it. The same media putting Assange on the boxtop instead of all that juicy material that was leaked.

Wikileaks Til Ya Puke via Google News Feed

The Sky Is Not Falling!

I just have to get this out there.
I know there were tons of mass animal deaths. I don’t even buy into the whole “fireworks” theory that the birds were frightened by fireworks and flew off head first into the ground.
Maybe in an instance or two, but not all of those instances in three different areas.
But I cant stress this enough. The sky isn’t falling.

Our awareness of world events and is getting more and more…well…acute. As with any experience, as we become accustomed to those experiences I am sure we’ll remain a tidbit more calm about them even though the severity of the situation may be critical. If you truly feel the sky is falling, do something about it. I am not talking about any radical action that would endanger anything, but look for a viable answer, and run with it. There are some REALLY smart people out the that need your help in solving these crises.

That said, I’ve been watching the news, and been reading a FEKTON of documentation on this stuff. Mass animal deaths have been occurring for a long time, with documented events going back more than a hundred years. The USGS has actually been tracking mass animal death for decades, and so does the CDC. Between the two, they apply a body of knowledge incredibly more suited to sift fact from fiction in these matters, and thankfully, unlike the media, they aren’t in the habit of scaring the shit out of us civilians without some credence.

What I think we should all do is what we’ve already been doing. Be more aware. Know where to report news when you see it, and be more responsible when discussing these things so that you don’t start a scare. There is NOTHING wrong about feeling something is important or and there certainly isn’t anything wrong in helping resolve these events, but causing panic and unrest is the media’s forte, not yours. As individuals please try to exhibit some sense when you decide to talk about this.

If you look at the really cool Google Map of animal deaths (linked below), you will notice that there have been a bunch, and if you research them you’ll see a number of them have already been explained. As a species, we ourselves are doing so many things to contribute to this that the numbers are just heartbreaking. For every new method we find to live without destroying our planet, there are a hundred poor choices made for us that hurt the environment. Awareness in a huge factor. As in being aware we can expect at least some people will change their course.

Here is the Google News link for the animal deaths in the news.

CDC admits to a Zombie Apocalypse

Get A Kit,    Make A Plan, Be Prepared. emergency.cdc.gov…well…Hell’s Horse on a Pogo Stick… first the Zombie Apocalypse…now the Rapture must be coming too!

…there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit…ready 😉

So we have the Zombie Apocalypse AND the Rapture…personally I find an incredible amount of amusement in both. The Big Z.A. is an adventure waiting to happen, and there is no end of content and incredibly bad film to make sure you stay acclimated, ready and entertained by even the notion that it might happen. And the Rapture…well…here’s a thought…all the people convinced that their virtuous destiny is to be scooped up and delivered to a higher plane. Honestly…I am pretty cool with either. I can joke about both on an incredibly regular basis, and if either actually happens, well…I am totally okay with being left in what can only be considered a target rich environment where the only people left around are more than capable of surviving without money, politicians, taxes, and cellphones. Lets just say I am a glass half full kind of guy eh?

SO…yeah…here’s a quick start on the Big ZA.

The Zombie Apocalypse
That’s right…the CDC finally admitted to it today HERE that we do in fact need to get a grip…and start preparing.

If you do anything…at least RTFM!!!! Get your copy of The Zombie Survival Guide. This quick manual will get some of the kinks out of your rough draft on how to survive!

If you haven’t already found out…there are some really good websites out there to help you prepare as well.

Jenny Lawson (aka TheBloggess.com) usually hooks us up with little tips and insights on how to cope. If you’re not reading her posts…you’re probably going to die. The Zombie Survival Wiki is a huge resource on everything regarding zombies and how to survive them. If you don’t check out this site…you’re also probably going to die. The Center for Disease Control even has a few tips. Although if you don’t read this one, you’re probably so NOT entertaining that other more experienced people will feed you to zombies, and thereby still going to die.

The Rapture
Somewhere along the way in our heads…we were as a society convinced by someone else that the end of days was somehow true. Somewhere along the way, we were duped into being fearful of death. The ultimate price to pay for living outside those boundaries. Your soul. So we (the smart ones) create this endgame scenario that according to its adherents is always only a day away that feeds on your fear, letting you not necessarily believe, but act in accordance just in case. Yep. That’s actually most of us in some form or fashion.

That big day is going to come and if you didn’t listen to your sermons and donate at least 10% of everything…when the Rapture comes…you get stuck with the Zombies…because every one else is apparently going to be saved by an all-powerful deity whose sole love is for a world chuck full of aggressive angsty people that like going to war for no reason.

…or not. Personally…I think it’s distressing that so many people build their lives around some intangible looming death. But after spending so many years trying to reason it out…now it’s just plain funny. I found a little humor in the pic tot he right…and had to share. This is courtesy of Skippy from Skippyslist.com and if you want a copy to send to a friend, go HERE.

The news has sensationalized this crap…and the theme of responsible journalism has managed to evolve into incredibly biased (or censured) media outlets. I am not going to link them because i draw the line on sensationalizing people fears.

Anyhow…that’s the fist in many a new rant. I know it’s been a while and I can tell I am out of practice. Feel free to comment and berate 😉
