Tag: iphone

Good Mormon!


Yeah…This isn’t about Mormons. (Damn You Auto Correct!)
If this was a text from yours truly, you would know that’s me saying “Good Morning!” My wonderful iPhone loves that phrase, and honestly I am tired of retyping it.

Progress? Here?! …Maybe?
I am about 2/3 through another installment of No More Stupid. It’s going well, and maybe if I had more time outside my 9-5 I might actually get some real content written, but for now, I am content to helping regular people make it through the crazy mess of everything online. That said, if you have questions about “stuff” online, leave them in the comments and I’ll try to throw you a bone.

Ok ….so…If you’re new here, I will warn you. I am kind of an ass. I link TONS of stuff in here, but I don’t mark the links, so you have to hover over the link with your mouse to find them.

It’s my idea of providing a learning experience and being me at the same time.

I have this friend @thebloggess and she’s incredibly awesome and she spends her days being funny and inadvertently teaching other people that they can be better too.

There’s a problem though, she’s having an incredible time dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis. So much so that she’s looking for other people that have had to work through this and compare notes so that she can make sure she’s left no stone unturned.

This is the link to the article she wrote. While I don’t share the same type of arthritis I am keenly aware of what she’s going through so if you’re suffering from or experienced RA please compare notes, I think it might mean the world to her.

That’s about it today. Be well and throw lots of snowballs at innocent bystanders for me!!!


5 Damn good reasons you should follow @WhoIsTheBaldGuy

It’s almost natural for most Twits. If you’re on Twitter, follow @whoisthebaldguy. I mean, it’s almost as necessary as @shitmydadsays or @tremendousnews or @Alyssa_Milano (and @tony_hunt if you’re really bored).

#1 He can help you quit smoking.
This took creativity, a decent sense of humor, and some serious “Smoking Skills.” I am actually surprised Truth.com didn’t want in on this. It’s that good. Check it out!

#2 Dude, watch out when he snaps those fingers!
Who do you know that can stop time to propose?
He can help all you loser boyfriends own up and Put A Ring On It.
I already told him I am totally calling him before I pop the question. ๐Ÿ˜‰

#3 Just when you thought an iPhone couldn’t do more.
Michael Krivicka (that’s @WhoIsTheBaldGuy if you’re not really paying attention yet) makes his mark on the iPhone. He’s directly responsible for the absolute best iPhone app EVER … Nude-it!
…and here’s another Reaction Video ๐Ÿ˜‰

#4 He helps the homeless by giving them a job.
Want tons of easy and cheap marketing, while at the same time helping out all the holeless? Try out Michael’s idea for putting people to good use…

Now…after all those videos, you’re *probably* thinking…

Holy-shit-on-a-pogo-stick-apes-flipping-the-bird-aren’t-this cool.
(Yes, click this and you will see an ape flipping you off.)

It’s true. He might be the most interesting man in the world (or some sort of twitter-happy runner-up).
But what you really have to ask yourself…(after watching this video)

And finally…#5
…how do you think you’re going to sound in his next remix?

…Follow him. Fly like the wind people! Follow him!