Tag: twitter

A little tech-ness from Tony…

How paranoid are ya?

I know a lot of us are at the very least a little wary of getting hit by a computer virus/malware/generally nasty code.

Before you get incredibly paranoid, or worse, you write it all off as fiction, let me give a little insight:

It exists, it’s incredibly easy to find, and most importantly, it’s incredibly easy to avoid and defend against.

1. Keep your virus scanner up to date.
If you find that some virus scanners are outside your budget, use a free one. AVG & Kapersky are great examples of free scanners. If you want concrete details on which scanners actually pull their weight, I highly suggest you check out av-test.org. They really put scanners to the test and make sure the scanners do what they are meant.

AV-Test.org’s Current Reviews

Know the name of the virus scanner you have installed. Some harmful links and sites will attempt to trick you into scanning your system by creating a popup saying you need to scan your computer immediately. You run the scan, buy their software to remove the incredible number of harmful files on your machine (without realizing that you just downloaded them from the same source), and that’s it…you just paid them $50 for cleaning up all the bad stuff they gave to you in the first place. This is very BIG business for many country’s overseas, so knowing what you scanners name is will keep you from giving these scams a chance to rip you off.

2. Don’t run it unless you know what it is.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve watched turbo-trigger-happy people decimate their machine because of their uncontrollable need to double-click everything they see. I don’t need to give examples, we all have done it at some time or another. The bottom line is as a practice, running programs you aren’t familiar with on your machine is asking for fun.

Some of these creepy business applications deliberately create icons and links designed specifically to make you think they are something else. I found one last year that looked like the windows update icon…but it wasn’t, it was a little program that set up a download point on your machine and checked an IRC channel for instructions from people as to what to download to the infected machine.

If you ever have a question about what a program is, Google it. Here are some sites that are really good about telling whats what about a program:

If you want to scan a file, check out Jotti’s Virus Scan, it will let you scan a file on your machine with a gazillion scanners.

3. Questionable sources.*cough* Torrents *cough*
Some friend or buddy gives you a “freebie” copy of some software hookup they got. You have to be incredibly careful here. In addition to risking your computer, you’re probably breaking a handful of laws by using cracked software. Even worse, it’s estimated that 90% of the intrusions and malware/virus infections come from cracked or illegitimately licensed software. The difference is that you shouldn’t be downloading software that is from a questionable source. Any software you acquire that is deliberately cracked to enable the full use of the product without purchase/registration is asking for trouble, the decision is yours, but an incredible percentage of cracked software out there is wired to to make computer do a lot more than what you’re expecting.

So thats it, simple advice. You can probably get away with the stuff in bold, but I thought it might be good to explain a little bit. Also keep in mind, this is the basics. There are tons more things you can do to tighten things up on your machine and I am sure I will write about those at some point.

Regardless, the guidelines really are this simple folks. If you’re using the above, the odds are distinctly in your favor. Most of the time.

Unless you’re me and happen to actually find malware in a legitimate application and have to alert the vendor that they made me cry when their software came up as toxic on 5 different scanners’ 🙂


This is only the beginning…

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to apologize to everyone that’s been so diligent in coming here looking for new material…only to find that I took a ginormous freaking vacation from writing.

I wasn’t sick, or sunning it up on some beach…I just kindof get overwhelmed (i.e. – lazy) on the holidays.

This winter some really cool things are coming to a head in TonyTown. There is a new webserver on the way, the entire hosting platform is moving to a virtual server with about 1000% performance capabilities.

I have been asked to start contributing to another multi-writer blog (go me!).

After a having a fit of common sense…I am starting to accept project offers for other blogs and websites, and have three on the schedule already. One is a new book being released next month, I am facilitating all of the web branding, including the site design and even helping with the content. I’ll be promoting/branding the new website soon, if you have comments or questions, my normal contact pages are all still available.

Some of the cool stuff:

Another AWESOME blogger – Lauren Carlton from Mommy Is Rock ‘N Roll is recruiting me to help her move all her stuff from Blogspot.com to a WordPress blog (might even be hosted by yours truly!)

Wayne Johnson, a successful musician and owner of Noteworthy Ministries (they do really cool things for kids with guitars!) is publishing his biography written by himself and his close friend Frank Ball (from FrankBall.org and North Texas Christian Writers). The book is called Guided Missteps – Hard Times Make for Good Music (@guided_missteps / GuidedMissteps.com) and is a journal of Wayne’s life and how music turned his life around.

Totie Richardson is a very close friend who is also an incredible Tarot reader. Her business via word of mouth is insane considering she doesn’t advertise on the net, so much that we’re putting a website together not only as generic contact point, but also as an informational outlet on the many Tarot projects she has in progress. The website will be at http://tarot-geek.com and will showcase Totie’s wealth of information and life-experience.

Tony-Hunt.net is almost finished. It is my professional site and will showcase some of my projects and IT skills. It’s still a work in progress so don’t be surprised if the site is unavailable, but expect to see some serious promotion on both tonytown.com and tony-hunt.net coinciding with all the websites that are going online.

Anyhow. It’s Christmas Eve.
You should all be hanging out, knocking down some Nog, and having fun.

Merry Christmas everyone! …and thanks for reading!


5 Damn good reasons you should follow @WhoIsTheBaldGuy

It’s almost natural for most Twits. If you’re on Twitter, follow @whoisthebaldguy. I mean, it’s almost as necessary as @shitmydadsays or @tremendousnews or @Alyssa_Milano (and @tony_hunt if you’re really bored).

#1 He can help you quit smoking.
This took creativity, a decent sense of humor, and some serious “Smoking Skills.” I am actually surprised Truth.com didn’t want in on this. It’s that good. Check it out!

#2 Dude, watch out when he snaps those fingers!
Who do you know that can stop time to propose?
He can help all you loser boyfriends own up and Put A Ring On It.
I already told him I am totally calling him before I pop the question. 😉

#3 Just when you thought an iPhone couldn’t do more.
Michael Krivicka (that’s @WhoIsTheBaldGuy if you’re not really paying attention yet) makes his mark on the iPhone. He’s directly responsible for the absolute best iPhone app EVER … Nude-it!
…and here’s another Reaction Video 😉

#4 He helps the homeless by giving them a job.
Want tons of easy and cheap marketing, while at the same time helping out all the holeless? Try out Michael’s idea for putting people to good use…

Now…after all those videos, you’re *probably* thinking…

Holy-shit-on-a-pogo-stick-apes-flipping-the-bird-aren’t-this cool.
(Yes, click this and you will see an ape flipping you off.)

It’s true. He might be the most interesting man in the world (or some sort of twitter-happy runner-up).
But what you really have to ask yourself…(after watching this video)

And finally…#5
…how do you think you’re going to sound in his next remix?

…Follow him. Fly like the wind people! Follow him!