Tag: tonytown

Schrödinger’s Cat jokes might not be funny anymore, or they might be…

schrodinger-catYaknow… Schrödinger’s Cat jokes used to be the type of thing us nerdy types would mention and joke about and see who among us made “the cut.” Now…it’s on memes and tshirts and such.

I mention this because it occurs to me that the demographic that was inclined to know this 20 years ago is in no way shape or form similar to the group of people familiar with the experiment today. Quite the opposite, and despite the fact that information and education are becoming more available exponentially every day, the average IQ globally has been falling, and those of us more inclined and/or dedicated to scholastic endeavors find ourselves surrounded by a demographic that can only be quantified by their ability to Google their data rather than experience it.

Why experiment when someone else has already made a video of it?

To me this is like saying why should I sing when there are so many other people that sing better? In my opinion it’s lazy thinking.

Don’t get me wrong, sensationalizing human intellect has given elevation to those of us that would have had to otherwise either be a successful politician, athlete, or entertainer. It’s given smart people the motivation and self-respect to continue rather than elect to conform or worse…act as if they hadn’t the intellect.

The fist time I saw a Schrödinger’s Cat tshirt I thought it was the most awesome thing since relativity…now, I see kids that don’t even know who Schrodinger was wearing the shirt because they saw it on the Big Bang Theory, and thus I am presented with the irony of the situation and the foundation of tonight’s ponderous issue…

It seems that at least on some level, it’s become more attractive to people to act like a nerd rather than to actually be one, and it makes my arse twitch.

Be better.


It’s been a while…

It’s funny. Sometimes I wonder where my voice is, and then other times…well..other times it simply seems like there’s too much to scream about. I may a big dork, but this is the stuff of which my brain begins its long long journey.

I still love writing. I’ll never stop really, however I just looked at the site…and I could have sworn I’d published at least a few things in the last few months.

But alas…such is not the case after all.

I managed to stop writing, and this is part of my voice…and incredibly important part. Because I am one of those people that already know…not suspect…I actually know how unforgiving and relentless the internet can be…but I need to vent. That same voice that my friends can hear by only seeing my expression for a couple seconds. That same emotive conscience that bolsters my courage to improve and grow and try and take everyone important to me along for the ride just seemed to take a vacation.

I cant really say that I made any big life changes. My business grew a bit, I’ve gotten busier. I’ve had some hard choices and experiences…but who doesn’t?

Somewhere in there, I re-prioritized my need to talk…to rant…hell…I haven’t even published any recipe’s in ages. So it begs the question…what am I expecting now? My opinions on the state of the human race in general certainly haven’t budged…I let that one ride on its own as a potential revisit of some “No More Stupid” posts.

I’ve found that I am enamored by the people that have the cajones to believe in something other that their own financial prosperity. I still seek that inspiration, and I still wake up every single morning and laugh at all the people that don’t consider it a blessing to be alive.

Maybe thats what it is.

Thus ends my incredibly useless stream of thought in trying to discern the real reason why I haven’t written anything…because we all know I certainly should be putting more *stuff* here. Feel free to complain or rant. I obviously need the activity 😉


TonyTown.com - Our Deficit is still no good!

Why you should still be worried about our economy.

There is a link floating around on Facebook citing data from the CBO saying that the federal economy’s deficit is on a downward slope. The problem is that 5% of the real findings were taken out of context and if you’d read the whole thing, you’d know why none of the politicians are bragging about it.

Read the whole thing, it will be a quick lesson on economics and math and why you shouldn’t base your political leanings based on FB posts unless they cite real data…say…like the CBO’s findings. Which cooincidentally places blame on ALL of the politicians, not just your trusted party.

To give a sense of how much deficit reduction would be required to reach an illustrative target(not a recommendation!):Suppose that policymakers wanted to reduce debt from is current 73 percent of CDP to its 40-year average of 38 percent, and to make that reduction of 35 percent linearly over 35 years – that is, by 1 percent of GDP per year.

To achieve that goal with policy changes that phased in over time would require changes that save nearly $2 trillion over the coming decade.


Please watch the full presentation HERE at CBO.GOV

So stop pointing the finger at Republican and Democrats, because we’re the ones that voted these guys in and let them ruin what was an economic titan.
