Tag: show

TonyTown.com - Our Deficit is still no good!

Why you should still be worried about our economy.

There is a link floating around on Facebook citing data from the CBO saying that the federal economy’s deficit is on a downward slope. The problem is that 5% of the real findings were taken out of context and if you’d read the whole thing, you’d know why none of the politicians are bragging about it.

Read the whole thing, it will be a quick lesson on economics and math and why you shouldn’t base your political leanings based on FB posts unless they cite real data…say…like the CBO’s findings. Which cooincidentally places blame on ALL of the politicians, not just your trusted party.

To give a sense of how much deficit reduction would be required to reach an illustrative target(not a recommendation!):Suppose that policymakers wanted to reduce debt from is current 73 percent of CDP to its 40-year average of 38 percent, and to make that reduction of 35 percent linearly over 35 years – that is, by 1 percent of GDP per year.

To achieve that goal with policy changes that phased in over time would require changes that save nearly $2 trillion over the coming decade.


Please watch the full presentation HERE at CBO.GOV

So stop pointing the finger at Republican and Democrats, because we’re the ones that voted these guys in and let them ruin what was an economic titan.


How I met your mother…

Before you finish that thought. Yes…off the top of my head…this could have been a great big “your mama” joke.

But it isn’t…well…not exactly.

Because how I met your mother is irrelevant. I’m talking about the tv show. You see…I watched that tv show for the first time tonight and realized something.
I realized that for the past few years, I have been alluded to so many times about this tv show that it’s almost comical.

…and I never knew.

But see now I’ve seen the show. And I am continuing to watch, because I now know WHY so many people have said the oddest things to me. I’ll know why one of my best friends duct-taped two 40oz Mickeys to my hands at the beginning of my birthday party last year.

It’s all become sooooo clear. And now I have to watch all these episodes so that I will actually know what you all know about me.

You my friends are evil, but I love the hell out of you all.

Have a great night everyone!
