So here’s my take of FriendFridays.

I don’t like the notion of referring people to follow/friend without saying why exactly I am referring them. I’m sorry but it just makes sense.

Who you follow on twitter should be based on interest, not on building reciprocal followers. That said, I am going to start pointing out people that are generally awesome, interest me, and/or I think you might benefit from following. I have a LOT of people on this list, so i am going to keep it low-key and just do a few people a week that have been pretty fun to stalk follow and read up on.

@avitable I don’t always agree with him, but I do most of the time, which says quite a bit in itself. He has a nasty habit of writing about things you’re too timid or embarrassed to admit you feel the same way about. He makes the list because among so many online peeps that knew what a mutual friend was going through (hell). He was the only other person I know of that actually got up and did something to help.

@TheBloggess Jenny has a style about her, when she posts, it’s like someone just magically showed up to kiss you square in the face with a cream pie. She. Will. Make. You. Smile. On the off chance she doesn’t make you laugh, you probably need more meds.

@GenesisMeranda I started reading her blog before I saw her in the twitterverse. She’s done a pretty decent job of documenting her own journey of self-discovery, and it’s been really interesting to follow her blog.

There. Now you all have references and can follow these people and blame me for it be confident that you made the right choice. 😉

Have a great weekend people!


If you’re looking to follow me, please feel free to do so, you can catch me on twitter here @tony_hunt