Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Paperthin Hymn

by Anberlin on Never Take Friendship Personal

The song that made me start listening to them. It’s old to me now, but I like listening to it because it’s not the Anberlin you get on top 40. 😉 As always, the music’s meaning means something completely different then…but now it’s about absent friends, and how the complaints of violins become my only friends.

When your only friends are hotel rooms
Hands are distant lullabies
If I could turn around I would tonight

These roads never seemed so long
Since your paper heart stopped beating leaving me suddenly alone
Will daybreak ever come?

Who’s gonna call on Sunday morning?
Who’s gonna drive you home?
I just want one more chance
To put my arms in fragile hands

I thought you said forever
Over and over
A sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion

These thoughts run through my head
Over and over
Complaints of violins become my only friends

August evenings
Bring solemn warnings
To remember to kiss the ones you love goodnight

You never know what temporal days may bring
Laugh, love, live free and sing
When life is in discord
Praise ye the lord

Who’s gonna call on Sunday morning?
Who’s gonna drive you home?
I just want one more chance
To put my arms in fragile hands

I thought you said forever
Over and over
The sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion

These thoughts run through my head
Over and over
Complaints of violins become my only friends

I thought you said forever
Over and over
The sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion

These thoughts run through my head
Over and over
Complaints of violins become my only friends

I thought you said forever
Over and over
These thoughts run through my head

Another awesome 404 ;)

I have GOT to start collecting these as I find them. Today I was surfing and chanced on this awesome 404 by Jen Lepp (at 😉


The Charge of the Error Goddess (Jen Lepp) / CC BY-SA 3.0

Listen to the words of the Missing Page. I who of old was also called among men 404, Error, Broken Link, screw up, bad page, missing file, “Damn it, where the hell did it go?” and by many other names. At mine altars the youth of various college computer departments across the world made due sacrifice.

Whenever ye shall work on a particular web site, once in the month, and better it be when the Moon is Full and while drinking beverages rich in caffeine, then shall ye gather around the computer and run a link checker to ensure that I will never trouble thee. I, who am the ruler of all neglected web sites and poorly coded home pages. There shall ye gather, ye who are fain to master the test of navigation, yet have not yet won its deepest secrets: to these I will hide as they find that which is broken and code thy site until it is whole again.

And your site shall be free from errors; and as a sign that they be really free, ye shall never, ever use animated background; and ye shall code, ftp, edit, create and write, all to stave off my curse. For mine is the sign of uncaring hands, and mine also is joy of trial and error, for my law is the error.
Keep pure your code, strive ever towards cross-platform compatibility, and let naught stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the password protected door which opens upon the secret mysteries via the .htaccess file as well as the errors of missing pages and overloaded servers, and the no DNS entry error, which is the sign of web site Armageddon.


I know, it’s not a big-ball-breaking-punch-yourself-in-the-gut-or-just-smirk-at-my-words post. But I found this rather entertaining.

Words of me

…remember, in my eyes…everyone owns a crack pipe, some people just have the sense not to use it as much.


So I’ve come to another realization.

Not only is there so much stupid in the world that it’s overwhelming.

Not only does stupid run rampant and far too often unchecked, prevented, or corrected…

Not only can I not keep up with it in its…we’ll call it grandeur (for lack of a simpler word to spare)

…on more occasions than I am comfortable with…I am a part of the problem instead being part of the solution.

I am sure most of my friends will screenshot this in order to make sure they have proof I offered this unto the never-forgetting interwebs, but I don’t mind the occasional self-admission and it’s not like tons about me isn’t already online. 😉

Now, because I have a BIG GINORMOUS rule about getting too personal about my friends and loved ones, that is about all the detail I’ll be fessing up. If you’re a close friend, you already have such a vast repertoire of incidents and stories regarding my antics that another one is almost blasé and you can certainly rest easy knowing I have another notch on my belt.

Now if you happen to be a casual reader and wondering how far down the rabbit hole my life traverses…

This time…I didn’t drive off the side of a mountain at 70mph in a truck.

This time…I didn’t go camping, get drunk, and introduce all my friends to the term “skyclad” using myself as a point of reference at the campfire for everyone to see.

This time…I didn’t get lost after taking a walk in a neighborhood 30 miles away from my casa after my own birthday party.

This time I managed to screw up a damn good friendship, and I am feeling like absolute shit over it.