Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

A new (or different) take on Friend Fridays #FF on Twitter…

So here’s my take of FriendFridays.

I don’t like the notion of referring people to follow/friend without saying why exactly I am referring them. I’m sorry but it just makes sense.

Who you follow on twitter should be based on interest, not on building reciprocal followers. That said, I am going to start pointing out people that are generally awesome, interest me, and/or I think you might benefit from following. I have a LOT of people on this list, so i am going to keep it low-key and just do a few people a week that have been pretty fun to stalk follow and read up on.

@avitable I don’t always agree with him, but I do most of the time, which says quite a bit in itself. He has a nasty habit of writing about things you’re too timid or embarrassed to admit you feel the same way about. He makes the list because among so many online peeps that knew what a mutual friend was going through (hell). He was the only other person I know of that actually got up and did something to help.

@TheBloggess Jenny has a style about her, when she posts, it’s like someone just magically showed up to kiss you square in the face with a cream pie. She. Will. Make. You. Smile. On the off chance she doesn’t make you laugh, you probably need more meds.

@GenesisMeranda I started reading her blog before I saw her in the twitterverse. She’s done a pretty decent job of documenting her own journey of self-discovery, and it’s been really interesting to follow her blog.

There. Now you all have references and can follow these people and blame me for it be confident that you made the right choice. πŸ˜‰

Have a great weekend people!


If you’re looking to follow me, please feel free to do so, you can catch me on twitter here @tony_hunt

Lies of the Beautiful People

Lies of the Beautiful People
by Sixx A.M.

I am trying to tell you something important…good looks are great for sex, but useless for my soul. The problem is I need the body AND brains…I want to feel like I’m staring into the sun every time I see you, I want you to be so radiant that I’ll never care when you lie, because it’ll keep me from thinking too much about why you’d think lying was necessary in the first place. -1998

It’s funny, that sense of entitlement, specifically in the standards we hold as prerequisites in relationship. When I said that so many years ago, I meant it, but I see now that time teaches what impudence lets you ignore. It’s not about learning to wear rose tinted glasses, it’s about learning to put the effort into knowing people well enough that they shine regardless. I remember someone saying, “Every man and woman is a star…” they were right πŸ˜‰

Well this ain’t no sideshow
This is the great unknown
This is the poison we take

Outside the velvet rope
Standing there all alone
Are the grotesque and ashamed

Well if you think real beauty’s on the outside
Well that’s a far cry
From the truth

Maybe all the information you received
Well you should not believe
There’s no proof

Save yourself from all the lies of the beautiful people
It’s time to run from the lies of the beautiful people

I feel so traumatized
Doped up and televised
Life can be cruel and insane

But we’ve got these ugly scars
On our infected hearts
Maybe it’s time for a change

And if you think real beauty’s on the outside
Well that’s a far cry
From the truth

Maybe all the information you received
Well you should not believe
There’s no proof

Save yourself from all the lies of the beautiful people
It’s time to run from the lies of the beautiful people

Save yourself from all the lies of the beautiful people
Just run and hide from the lies of the beautiful

Save yourself from all the lies of the beautiful people
It’s time to run from the lies of the beautiful people

Tuesday’s Quickie – Roasted Cod and Veggies

Two posts in a day! It is the end! (not really)

So a little while ago I made something for lunch that came out pretty good and a few people asked for the recipe.

No hassles, it’s just mainly chop it up, throw it in, cook, eat. Here you go!

10oz. Cod Filets (fresh, not breaded or frozen, I get them on sale all the time at the grocery store for like $3-4)
1 small bell pepper (if you’re using a big one you only need half)
8oz mushrooms (it doesn’t matter what kind, as long as they aren’t the ones that will make you have an out of body experience)
1 small white onion (half if its a big white onion, purple onions would work on this just as well too)
1 small zucchini squash
1 Serrano pepper

Preheat the oven to 400F.
Take the mushrooms and put a layer of them in the bottom of a 6×9 roasting pan (like what you’d cook meatloaf in).
Fill the roasting pan with water until the mushroom are only a bit above the water.
Layer the cod filet(I had to cut mine to fit) on top of the mushrooms in the roasting pan.
Quarter the onion (well actually i cut them into eighths and let them fall apart)
Quarter the zucchini squash,
Cut the bell pepper into strips
Dice the serrano pepper
Cut the remaining mushrooms into halves
Mix everything together and layer on top of the cod in the pan.

Once the over is heated, drop the pan in for 45 minutes to an hour. Depending on your preferences on roasting veggies dry, you may want to add more water. However if you add less the mushrooms on the bottom will overcook a tad.

You’ll notice I didn’t actually use any seasoning. It’s up to you, but there are a number of good seasonings you can try, I prefer Slap Yo Mama Cajun Seasoning to most others, if only because it tastes decent and the name is unforgettable πŸ˜‰
