Tag: dork

10 years old…and I am still here…

10 Year AnniversaryPeople still ask about “Hold No Virtue.” I try to explain it as this. Being virtuous isn’t something to be aspired to or cherished, indicating a material value at some level and thus will be withheld in lieu of fear of loss. Virtue doesn’t belong to the virtuous, rather vice versa…the virtuous are just being good. To hold on high someone that is good is part of the mistake, as I think it should be the baseline for how we interact with one another. I simply think that we have it within ourselves to be better without handing out prizes for it.

Now…as for the “Tonytown” part…well I am happy to say that wasnt actually my idea…

…and then Rob says with that crazy grin,
“HAHA…She’s about to get a free ride on the skinboat to Tonytown!”

It’s funny considering how this all started. I was just starting to tinker around with hosting and just starting to get my sea legs back on the unix of things, and wanted to convert what journal entries I had left to a digital format for later reference. I’d been tinkering with domain usage and an old friend Rob had a saying about me referencing the term “Tonytown” I knew that would be the perfect name for this. The really funny part is that I had assumed I was using the c2/cafelog right (which I wasn’t), and was making all those journal entries public instead of keeping the journal entries private.

…you see there are things you just cant live down, or laugh at. But that is it, the origin of how this all started. I went from accidentally posting all my entries and memories…from Dancing with Death and mentioning (and getting called out on) high school crushes, and even accidentally leaving a homemade rss aggregator running so well that I was getting more traffic from other bloggers articles than they were getting on their own posts.

But it’s always been fun. It’s always been an enabler for me to speak my mind on the subjects that even some of my close friends aren’t comfortable discussing. It’s enabled me to grow what was a hobby into a skill, and even more into expertise. At one point I even labelled myself a giant dork for having such a hobby. 10 years of WordPress (in all its incarnations), 10 years of expression. This little piece of internet real estate was my true enabler. It let me groom and cultivate the world…all colored lovingly in my rarely humble opinion.

10 years…and I own a successful IT company rather than worry about the 9-5 grind.
10 years…and now I’ve met all the wonderful bloggers, writers, and people that inspired me.
10 years…and now I own my own hosting company…not just one little blog.

…and this was very likely the first little step.

Cheers interwebs! Happy 10 Years of putting up with my nonsense!


Random thoughts…



Just some random notions…

…I go out of my way in airports while on layovers to find military personnel and buy them lunch/dinner. I try to do it every chance I get.

I thought about it and Interstellar is probably one of the more interesting films I’ve seen, nothing compared to Urth of the New Sun and other awesome literature, but it was one of those cerebral movies that let you believe a little and be moved emotionally. The sad thing is that it is going to get picked apart scientifically so much that everyone will forget all the important messages given throughout the film about our own humanity…

Online communities are just like friends you never see…except that often large portions of the people are incapable of actually being friends outside the scope of their online roles in the community…and thus have no real relationships. I feel kind of special in that many of my friends online are friends in reality as well and we plan vacations and visits with each other. Not many people get to experience this with the people they meet online…well at least not outside scary 4Chan people magically appearing in your life…that wouldnt be so cool…but then i digress. I love my friends.

Big meeting tomorrow too…cant for get that. If things work out how I think they may be…my company might ding a couple times. If you dont get it…please dont bother.

It’s now Veteran’s Day. This is their day. I honestly have far too many friends and family to call them all out, but I am truly grateful for their service. To all of you, thank you for your service.

Time for bed…maybe another post soon when I am angry enough to write something motivating 😉


It’s been a while…

It’s funny. Sometimes I wonder where my voice is, and then other times…well..other times it simply seems like there’s too much to scream about. I may a big dork, but this is the stuff of which my brain begins its long long journey.

I still love writing. I’ll never stop really, however I just looked at the site…and I could have sworn I’d published at least a few things in the last few months.

But alas…such is not the case after all.

I managed to stop writing, and this is part of my voice…and incredibly important part. Because I am one of those people that already know…not suspect…I actually know how unforgiving and relentless the internet can be…but I need to vent. That same voice that my friends can hear by only seeing my expression for a couple seconds. That same emotive conscience that bolsters my courage to improve and grow and try and take everyone important to me along for the ride just seemed to take a vacation.

I cant really say that I made any big life changes. My business grew a bit, I’ve gotten busier. I’ve had some hard choices and experiences…but who doesn’t?

Somewhere in there, I re-prioritized my need to talk…to rant…hell…I haven’t even published any recipe’s in ages. So it begs the question…what am I expecting now? My opinions on the state of the human race in general certainly haven’t budged…I let that one ride on its own as a potential revisit of some “No More Stupid” posts.

I’ve found that I am enamored by the people that have the cajones to believe in something other that their own financial prosperity. I still seek that inspiration, and I still wake up every single morning and laugh at all the people that don’t consider it a blessing to be alive.

Maybe thats what it is.

Thus ends my incredibly useless stream of thought in trying to discern the real reason why I haven’t written anything…because we all know I certainly should be putting more *stuff* here. Feel free to complain or rant. I obviously need the activity 😉
