Tag: Tony Hunt

Did you know…

Okay so if you’re not used to seeing this, it’s because I haven’t really done it in a while. Sometimes I get baseline lyrics running around in my head and I have to get them in print. I am not really a musician but I love my music. I got the bug early this morning and wrote it all out. Of course this song isn’t really a mystery, it just popped into my head and I cant stand not remembering the lines in my head later…so…yeah I post them here.

Enjoy! -T

Did you know… by Tony Hunt (2011-07-11)

Did you know amidst all that talkin,
we were humming to that same old song
It’s uncanny, but every time on the phone,
we were both pacing and trying to right those wrongs

Maybe if you knew bout this sad sad song
We’d have a chance to sing together
To play a different tune
To sing a different song

Did you know during all that yellin
I was wishin for another life for you
where all the wrongs were righted
and all the songs we had ended laughter

Maybe if you knew about this little bit of soul
We could look into each others eyes and never grow old
We’d play a different tune
and sing a different song

Did you know while we were thinkin
I’d imagined what it might be like for us
If things were just a little better.

Did you know while I was sleeping
I dreamed a little dream
There wasn’t much so different
But in it we’re together

…so much happier

Great things happen…

Maybe not how we wanted…but they do happen.


As you may have guessed from references in some of my posts, I’ve been doing odd internet jobs for people for a long long time now. I’ve been offering hosting/email services for almost eight years now, and even been helping a number of online communities stay alive even longer. Not just to help them out, but get a feel for the market and see if I could make it in a completely different and far more satisfying lifestyle. The answer is yes, it’s working. Slowly but surely, I am getting more and more savvy in an arena of IT I’ve never really considered to be my forte. Well…as it happens, tinkering around with a gazillion operating systems, reverse engineering hardware, and breaking the hell out of websites eventually leaves you with a few skills. I can build a server blindfolded, have a business set up with a virtual office, email, and a competent website in less than 4 hours. I am not bragging, I’ve done all those things in the last couple months without realizing that it might actually be something that could make me a buck or two. So it’s happening. Slowly but surely as i build my business, hopefully it will someday enable me to shrug off the 9-5 and live a little better.


Every time a new book is published from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, I have to get my hands on an autographed copy. This became problematic, or at least I thought it would become so, when this great writer passed away.

As it happens, the author chosen to continue the legacy, Brandon Sanderson, has been releasing autographed copies of each new publication, with an imprint of Robert Jordan’s autograph on the title page, directly above Mr. Sanderson’s own mark. Waiting for me when I got home was an autographed first print copy of the latest novel in the Wheel of Time series. This = Awesome.

Three times!

As if on queue, a final great thing happened. If you’ve been here before, you might have read about some of the insane problems a friend has been going through. I read some incredibly good news today regarding all this insanity. The abusive asshole that seemed to have been getting away with murder for years and albeit terrorizing her and her kids is finally seeing some repercussions for his actions and protective orders have finally been placed protecting them from him. I am sooo glad for you and the kids Andria. Take care and know that there is always light to see by. You deserve some happiness.

Anyhow…I am done sharing until the weekend. Have a great night!


5 Damn good reasons you should follow @WhoIsTheBaldGuy

It’s almost natural for most Twits. If you’re on Twitter, follow @whoisthebaldguy. I mean, it’s almost as necessary as @shitmydadsays or @tremendousnews or @Alyssa_Milano (and @tony_hunt if you’re really bored).

#1 He can help you quit smoking.
This took creativity, a decent sense of humor, and some serious “Smoking Skills.” I am actually surprised Truth.com didn’t want in on this. It’s that good. Check it out!

#2 Dude, watch out when he snaps those fingers!
Who do you know that can stop time to propose?
He can help all you loser boyfriends own up and Put A Ring On It.
I already told him I am totally calling him before I pop the question. 😉

#3 Just when you thought an iPhone couldn’t do more.
Michael Krivicka (that’s @WhoIsTheBaldGuy if you’re not really paying attention yet) makes his mark on the iPhone. He’s directly responsible for the absolute best iPhone app EVER … Nude-it!
…and here’s another Reaction Video 😉

#4 He helps the homeless by giving them a job.
Want tons of easy and cheap marketing, while at the same time helping out all the holeless? Try out Michael’s idea for putting people to good use…

Now…after all those videos, you’re *probably* thinking…

Holy-shit-on-a-pogo-stick-apes-flipping-the-bird-aren’t-this cool.
(Yes, click this and you will see an ape flipping you off.)

It’s true. He might be the most interesting man in the world (or some sort of twitter-happy runner-up).
But what you really have to ask yourself…(after watching this video)

And finally…#5
…how do you think you’re going to sound in his next remix?

…Follow him. Fly like the wind people! Follow him!