Tag: Randomosity…

Did you know…

Okay so if you’re not used to seeing this, it’s because I haven’t really done it in a while. Sometimes I get baseline lyrics running around in my head and I have to get them in print. I am not really a musician but I love my music. I got the bug early this morning and wrote it all out. Of course this song isn’t really a mystery, it just popped into my head and I cant stand not remembering the lines in my head later…so…yeah I post them here.

Enjoy! -T

Did you know… by Tony Hunt (2011-07-11)

Did you know amidst all that talkin,
we were humming to that same old song
It’s uncanny, but every time on the phone,
we were both pacing and trying to right those wrongs

Maybe if you knew bout this sad sad song
We’d have a chance to sing together
To play a different tune
To sing a different song

Did you know during all that yellin
I was wishin for another life for you
where all the wrongs were righted
and all the songs we had ended laughter

Maybe if you knew about this little bit of soul
We could look into each others eyes and never grow old
We’d play a different tune
and sing a different song

Did you know while we were thinkin
I’d imagined what it might be like for us
If things were just a little better.

Did you know while I was sleeping
I dreamed a little dream
There wasn’t much so different
But in it we’re together

…so much happier

Something funny presents itself…

Yes, something funny always presents itself when you least expect it.

So it was a good night. We went to see a play at One Day Only, had a beer at Nick’s Grill, and then went to hang out with some friends that live pretty close to the casa.

So we’re sitting outside lounging next to a pool and generally relaxing, and I noticed my buddy Kevin had been gone for a few minutes, but the conversation was good so didn’t think anything of it.

So a few more minutes go by and Kevin finally comes back out and he seems a bit exasperated…

“I texted you Tony” he says as he sat back down with us, “Heather is there some trick to unjamming you bathroom door?”

So as he says that I am reaching for my phone, and got this:

My roomie kevin got trapped in a bathroom ;)

The really funny part is when Kevin realized he was trapped in the bathroom, he also realized that the toilet was about to overflow…

Tony just FaceBook Failed

So I am commenting a little on FaceBook tonight.

…and of course…

I kinda commented on the wrong post for the same person and didnt notice and it turned into a funny.

Tony just FaceBook Failed

If this doesn’t make you smile…then I guess it didn’t make you smile, but it IS funny dammit.

Yes. Tony is a dork. (putting this on twitter too 😉