Tag: friendship

Road to Nowhere

Road to Nowhere
by Bullet for my Valentine

It’s so weird. How long ago doesn’t matter now…a few years back, I’d made a hard decision. It was the kind of decision you make when a potential relationship presents itself that looks completely like a fast road to a not-so-quiet grave. So when I said no, it never occurred to me that she saw “us” me as a way to break away from living in a bottle, rather than my impression that it was an invitation to spend the rest of our days looking through tequila-stained glasses. Of course, after pushing away from the relationship, we rarely spoke, and when we did she was harsh. It hurt to end such a long relationship/friendship (we’d met in college), but it hurt even more about a year later, when we’d found out she’d taken her life. Why doesn’t matter. What matters is this ominous feeling that I could have helped more, I could have not been oblivious, I could have not been such a hardass, I could have been the rope she needed to pull herself out of the rut she was in, rather than the rope she’d use to end it.



So I’ve come to another realization.

Not only is there so much stupid in the world that it’s overwhelming.

Not only does stupid run rampant and far too often unchecked, prevented, or corrected…

Not only can I not keep up with it in its…we’ll call it grandeur (for lack of a simpler word to spare)

…on more occasions than I am comfortable with…I am a part of the problem instead being part of the solution.

I am sure most of my friends will screenshot this in order to make sure they have proof I offered this unto the never-forgetting interwebs, but I don’t mind the occasional self-admission and it’s not like tons about me isn’t already online. 😉

Now, because I have a BIG GINORMOUS rule about getting too personal about my friends and loved ones, that is about all the detail I’ll be fessing up. If you’re a close friend, you already have such a vast repertoire of incidents and stories regarding my antics that another one is almost blasé and you can certainly rest easy knowing I have another notch on my belt.

Now if you happen to be a casual reader and wondering how far down the rabbit hole my life traverses…

This time…I didn’t drive off the side of a mountain at 70mph in a truck.

This time…I didn’t go camping, get drunk, and introduce all my friends to the term “skyclad” using myself as a point of reference at the campfire for everyone to see.

This time…I didn’t get lost after taking a walk in a neighborhood 30 miles away from my casa after my own birthday party.

This time I managed to screw up a damn good friendship, and I am feeling like absolute shit over it.

The List

A long time ago, my friend Rob (aka Loki) and I began a list.

It was a list of people that simply needed to stop existing within our world…in any capacity. We had one rule..think globally, act locally. Essentially it’s a standard of friendship that mandated people we kept around us had something to offer the human race at some level in a positive manner. This offering could in fact be overshadowed by continued lack of morality, lack of self-respect, lack of respect for others, no respect for freedom, and/or worst…an inability to understand and thus modify their impact on the world.

The people that by virtue of existence, action, or personality provide the worst examples of human beings. An epitome of what we as growing and open-minded individuals, should either avoid or endeavor to re-educate.

Come on…you know people like this in both directions…most politicians…Dentists in Highland Park…jerkoff sociopaths in Austin with zero self control…people that change lanes without signaling…people that jump in your lane and slow down…people that get in your lane at all…people that think it’s cool to give things to their loved ones and take it back when they get mad…people that buy Audi’s and don’t bother paying for their kid’s food, boarding, or even clothes…people that have sex in your bed and deny it later…people that don’t accept you for who you are…people that think that change is impossible therefor not worth the effort…people that don’t courtesy flush…people that look up hookers on their wives laptop…

You know…those people.

So, if you have someone that really deserves to be on The List, feel free to send me all the dirt at thelist@tonytown.com.