Pride in siblings…

I don’t say “I feel blessed”…ever…lucky beyond measure…absolutely. I am not a person who is entirely proud of my own actions in the past, but there is some credence is judging myself in the character of those I associate with, respect, and in my brother’s case….take a lot of pride in.

Okay…so there is some serious pride in my brother right now. He’s is in Iraq, busting his butt in a major way to put his family ahead. I recently found out that they had run into a situation where one of my nephew’s best friends was in a family situation eerily similar to mine as a kid. Long story short, my brother took the same steps that his parents took when it happened to me and Wes is now adopted officially with custody awarded to my brother.

Anyhow, my brother made me proud, he’s shown the one virtue I find to be the most important aspect of being an adult…Being a parent and concerned for anyone that needs, not just his own. Most adults would have ushered Wes into the doors of CPS and walked…instead he made room for Wes in our family.

Okay, thats my story for the evening. I am the proud brother of a very kickass father.

Okay sentimental moment over. Move along.