Monthly archives: November, 2009

Go Sabres!!!!

Just cheering them on…in case anyone didnt remember 😉

Buffalol Sabres


So…Katrina was the Army’s Fault.


Just wow.

Apparently the Army Corps of Engineers is being held responsible for the poor maintenance of the levees in New Orleans, and consequentially responsible for innumerable damages resulting from th fall of the levee during Katrina’s wrath.

How the HELL did the military get held responsible for a non-military structure?

And even if they were the ones that built it 40 years ago…how would they have been responsible for it’s maintenance unless the state of Louisiana was paying for said maintenance…

…I don’t know. It really smells hokey to me and I guess I’ll have to research more, but man this just doesn’t sit right.

here’s the full article at CNN

Started writing…

..and surrounded all the hate around me…

…I could not find the moral purchase that would allow me to continue unbiased. In looking at extremes…I could only become angry at people for promoting hate.

…the news became worthless…in some interviews I actually saw the cues for specific questions geared for propaganda.

…in my mail I saw a guy running for office that saved lives by torturing Iraqis…and read a monologue from April from him promoting some pretty scary gatherings.

…and all I can think of is how did you learn to hate so much…and how on earth do you think you’re worthy of serving in any leadership capacity after getting court marshalled for torturing people…literally.

..and then I realize that obviously I am hating too. I chastise myself for becoming the monster.

Why in the hell would I want to write about people that take an extreme stance on an issue that only moderation will resolve.

So who do I slam? Myself for even sharing this. Sorry just a bit pissed at the world in general….especially the extremist parts.
