Monthly archives: November, 2009

My Mum Rescues Dogs…

I mentioned this previously, she does in fact participate in rescues rather often and I think it’s about the coolest thing.

Rescued and riding in style in the back.

Rescued and riding in style in the back.

There are these organizations all over the US (and even Canada) that will transport cats and dogs in a very speedy fashion all over the place in order to keep them from being euthanized. My mom has been involved in a bunch of them in the New York/Ontario area for ages.

So, anyhow…here is her post and lots of pics for you 😉

This afternoon, I delivered these two cute Rat Terriers to Orillia, Ontario, Canada. From there they will continue on to North Bay, Ontario and their new homes. They spent the night with me and Cognac (my own little cutie) and it was hard not to just keep them! These two came from a puppy mill in Kentucky. Puppy mill breeding dogs are coming out of Pennsylvania and Kentucky at an astounding rate due to new state legislations that make it more difficult to run these horrific puppy prisons.

Passed out...Strangely enough thats exactly the position I like when sleeping on that couch...creepy.

Passed out...Strangely enough thats exactly the position I like when sleeping on that couch...creepy.

Someone actually dumped around fifty dogs and puppies on a road in Concord, NY. The SPCA managed to catch 31, one was hit by a car, and they have set traps for the others. We suspect these were dogs from just the other side of the New York – Pennsylvania state line. Opie and Lacey are not one of those from the Concord incident.

Opie chillin.

Opie chillin.

They came up from Kentucky through a rescue group called “Open Arms Transport”. To think that Lacey, just three years old already had 5 litters of puppies, and lived in a small wire cage just barely big enough for her to stand up in. Opie, being just one year old, male and a not so popular Fiest Rat Terrier, has had it a little better, but not by much. They were both so thankful for a gentle touch, good food and a soft couch. Walking them was difficult because they are still fairly new to the leash, but I think they are doing quite well. God speed Opie and Lacey! Have a good life!

My mom has asked that I leave her email addie available for anyone interested in doing animal rescues. Please feel free to use this contact form {{{HERE}}}

I know…

It has been stated that I am slowly growing out of my normal ranting lunatic mood.

You miss that. I get it.
Saving the world from itself one word at a time is taxing….be patient.

So in order to set your minds at ease, I’ve decided to show you that the ranting lunatic is still quite alive with a short citation of proof that I am in fact still pissed at someone or something in this world at all times…even when I sleep.

I am pissed at a world that makes me park my motorcycle under the stairway leading to my apartment because me and all my neighbors are totally afraid someone is going to steal it.

Parents that think they can take care of and raise their kids while getting high.

I am 100% POed at mosquitoes. They suck. I am allergic and am now sick thanks to the freaky mosquito invasion around our building.

Douchebags that think giving to charity makes up for telling people they are worthless all day.

Shower shelves with suction cups that don’t actually work and fall and make a noise something akin to what I construe to possibly being the end of the world when I am asleep.

Politicians that seriously think a city-owned hotel addresses the concerns and needs of all the people living in Dallas.

Whoever the asshat was that cancelled Firefly so Enterprise could run.

….yeah…there’s lots more. I actually keep a list.

…all that stuff that ticks me off…I might not remember everything, but I make notes about it 😉


Cirque du Soleil anyone?

So J had me watch a video of them and it reminded me of how awesome it is to go to these shows. Immediately checked times and asked if he wanted to go here in Frisco (and also inviting loads of others). The goob already booked seats with others, so I if I went with them wouldn’t get to sit with them…so…

I am thinking about going to the Frisco show on one of the evenings around 2/24 – 2/17…if you’re interested let me know.

