Tag: zombie

Tony’s Big Chili Yum Yum

So I’ve been talking up a big game regarding my chili recipe, and figured I ‘d finally getting around to sharing the Yum Yum from Tony’s Kitchen.

The first part I’ll just go over is this chili is incredibly kick ass with or without the meat, and is vegan friendly to boot (sans the meat). So no crying about your diet. The spices can be moderated easily to suit your palate and easily accommodate the whole household. As usual, this isn’t portioned for a few servings, this is portioned to feed the family and have loads for leftovers.

We’re going to go over the list of Yum-Yums (in-greed-ee-unts) now. Remember you’ll want to read the whole recipe before jumping in on this…;)


1lb Red Kidney Beans
I’ve tried black beans, and even black eyed peas, they still don’t work anywhere near as well as good ol’ Red Kidney Beans.

I tried about 20 different combinations and this one got the most kudos from my guinea pigs friends.
1.5 tbsp cumin
2 tbsp garlic
3 tbsp sea salt
3 tbsp ground multicolor pepper
3 tbsp red pepper
3 tbsp chili pepper (sometimes more)

Veggies for Chili!#3 VEGGIES!
This is where the chili really stands out. This really adds to the flavor of the chili and kills the competition.
.5 bell pepper (red)
.5 bell pepper (green)
.5 bell pepper (yellow)
4 celery sticks
3 tomatoes
3x Giant Hot jalapenos
3x large seranos
1-2x habanero (optional, will make things very hot for people not used to peppers)
1-2 cups of corn

Veggies for Chili!#4. MEAT
2lbs pork loin or ribeye (I am going to try it with Bison next!)


#1 Prep the beans by themselves first, they take the longest to get ready by far. I bring half a pot of water to a boil. Pour them in. Let the boil continue for 3 minutes. Take them off hot, let them soak warm for however many hours they decide to take 😉

#2 & #3 About an hour before you want everything to be ready, boil water in a spare pot, for #2 & #3, chop up everything in #3, mix them all together, add boiling water to desired consistency. Let that mixture stew up…remember we want all that stuff to cook & soak hot for at least an hour.

Chopped Ribeye for Chili!#4 Pork loin really does way better for this stuff, the meat stay moist and more mean than beef, so much that ribeye is the only competition. No prep necessary except maybe dicing it all up ahead of time. I usually just dice it all up and throw it into the #2 and #3 mix about 20-30 minutes before serving.

Drain the beans and mix with the rest.


* If you are vegetarian/vegan, you have only to omit #4 and you’re golden.
* Adding a can of tomato sauce does a ton of good.
* You can skip the jalapeno and serrano by adding a can of RoTel hot, but to be honest, the pepper taste isn’t quite the same.
* Do not use canned beans!!!! (They’re Nasty!)
* 2 bell peppers are just as good as three halves mentioned above…I just love the taste they bring to the chili.

Specific People Notes:
@Jessazombie, I have not tested this with Tofu. Use at your own risk…but it does have cumin!
@andriastanley, I couldn’t get croutons to work…BUT garlic bread is surprisingly good with this!
@thebloggess, do not cook this in a red dress, but you should certainly act like it 😉
@laurenacarlton, this is that chili your hubbie and talked about at that place that time

CDC admits to a Zombie Apocalypse

Get A Kit,    Make A Plan, Be Prepared. emergency.cdc.gov…well…Hell’s Horse on a Pogo Stick… first the Zombie Apocalypse…now the Rapture must be coming too!

…there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit…ready 😉

So we have the Zombie Apocalypse AND the Rapture…personally I find an incredible amount of amusement in both. The Big Z.A. is an adventure waiting to happen, and there is no end of content and incredibly bad film to make sure you stay acclimated, ready and entertained by even the notion that it might happen. And the Rapture…well…here’s a thought…all the people convinced that their virtuous destiny is to be scooped up and delivered to a higher plane. Honestly…I am pretty cool with either. I can joke about both on an incredibly regular basis, and if either actually happens, well…I am totally okay with being left in what can only be considered a target rich environment where the only people left around are more than capable of surviving without money, politicians, taxes, and cellphones. Lets just say I am a glass half full kind of guy eh?

SO…yeah…here’s a quick start on the Big ZA.

The Zombie Apocalypse
That’s right…the CDC finally admitted to it today HERE that we do in fact need to get a grip…and start preparing.

If you do anything…at least RTFM!!!! Get your copy of The Zombie Survival Guide. This quick manual will get some of the kinks out of your rough draft on how to survive!

If you haven’t already found out…there are some really good websites out there to help you prepare as well.

Jenny Lawson (aka TheBloggess.com) usually hooks us up with little tips and insights on how to cope. If you’re not reading her posts…you’re probably going to die. The Zombie Survival Wiki is a huge resource on everything regarding zombies and how to survive them. If you don’t check out this site…you’re also probably going to die. The Center for Disease Control even has a few tips. Although if you don’t read this one, you’re probably so NOT entertaining that other more experienced people will feed you to zombies, and thereby still going to die.

The Rapture
Somewhere along the way in our heads…we were as a society convinced by someone else that the end of days was somehow true. Somewhere along the way, we were duped into being fearful of death. The ultimate price to pay for living outside those boundaries. Your soul. So we (the smart ones) create this endgame scenario that according to its adherents is always only a day away that feeds on your fear, letting you not necessarily believe, but act in accordance just in case. Yep. That’s actually most of us in some form or fashion.

That big day is going to come and if you didn’t listen to your sermons and donate at least 10% of everything…when the Rapture comes…you get stuck with the Zombies…because every one else is apparently going to be saved by an all-powerful deity whose sole love is for a world chuck full of aggressive angsty people that like going to war for no reason.

…or not. Personally…I think it’s distressing that so many people build their lives around some intangible looming death. But after spending so many years trying to reason it out…now it’s just plain funny. I found a little humor in the pic tot he right…and had to share. This is courtesy of Skippy from Skippyslist.com and if you want a copy to send to a friend, go HERE.

The news has sensationalized this crap…and the theme of responsible journalism has managed to evolve into incredibly biased (or censured) media outlets. I am not going to link them because i draw the line on sensationalizing people fears.

Anyhow…that’s the fist in many a new rant. I know it’s been a while and I can tell I am out of practice. Feel free to comment and berate 😉
