Tag: crosspost

To write for someone else…

I am considering taking up the pen & keyboard to compete for a spot as a writer for BitRebels.com

Now I can’t tell you how much that would please me to actually have a J O B writing but the con is that I know unequivocally that I am going to end up trading in the glory of the very secure blue-collar paycheck in return for the enormously exaggerated fame of being a writer for a blog (i.e. broke).

Regardless, I encourage you to check out at http://www.bitrebels.com/, they are starting to get their strength in a very competitive arena.

I might even be inclined to contribute πŸ˜‰


Awesome blog promo how-to video

Another good one from WhoIsTheBaldGuy.com

The Girl Effect.

Every once in a while, people get a good idea and present that idea in a manner that makes you really think. In some cases, it makes one wish to change, sometimes change themselves…the world…something….and usually for the better. The short little movie below isn’t eye-catching…it’s thought provoking because it’s simple and realistic. Please visit The Girl Effect to see what it’s all about.

FYI, I don’t get as much time to read and research and surf this stuff as one might think. So on the note, the credit for this provocation of thought goes to a dear friend. So if someone reading this moves forward, learns something new, or changes their day just a smidgen upon reflection, it’s because that dear friend knew I would do the same πŸ˜‰ Give credit where credit is due, and hopefully change the world in baby steps πŸ˜‰
