Tag: blog

Entertaining myself.

No really…I am just finding humor in sooo many things 😉 …and of course, I find it necessary to will some people to stop existing. It’s ME people. 😉

It’s been an incredibly rough day.

Some of the cons of having this blog are the rules I made from the very beginning.
See, I have a ton of close friends that are completely uninterested in blogging. Even more importantly, most of my friends are more than adverse to the idea that I might actually write about them here. I knew this going in, and promised myself that if I didn’t have anything interesting to write I sure as hell wouldn’t drag them in, and unlike California1, I respect people’s privacy.

Ergo, I don’t bring my friends lives into the blog. Lately this has been incredibly difficult.

No details, I just wish I had the will to make someone cease to exist. I know, we all wish we had that power, but if I gave you details, you would soooo be telling me to do it. 😉

Work has picked up, which is to say I don’t have time to do anything else but whatever the hell it is I do for a living.

Anyhow, I get to sleep in (comparatively) tomorrow so here I am kicking back and relaxing a bit before medicating heavily and getting a full 8 hours of sleep for the first time in almost a week.

I did mention I am netertaining2(I meant to spell it that way too) myself right?
Well, I just couldn’t stop watching this for about ten minutes.
His name is George Watsky(@gwatsky) and man he’s awesome to listen to 😉
Rapid-Fire-Monologue. This guy’s amazing.

So netertainment it is, with a nice big glass of Grand Marnier to relax a bit of the evening away.

Have a great evening everyone, and if you have the mojo to spare. Send it over my way and by way of me to a dear friend in need of a LOT of badass luck.


Show 2 footnotes

  1. California is stupid, don’t argue, just smile and nod because aside from the nice weather, I have about a million very legitimate reasons to never like that state
  2. Netertaining (or Netertainment) is my word(s) for entertaining myself via the interwebs.

This is only the beginning…

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to apologize to everyone that’s been so diligent in coming here looking for new material…only to find that I took a ginormous freaking vacation from writing.

I wasn’t sick, or sunning it up on some beach…I just kindof get overwhelmed (i.e. – lazy) on the holidays.

This winter some really cool things are coming to a head in TonyTown. There is a new webserver on the way, the entire hosting platform is moving to a virtual server with about 1000% performance capabilities.

I have been asked to start contributing to another multi-writer blog (go me!).

After a having a fit of common sense…I am starting to accept project offers for other blogs and websites, and have three on the schedule already. One is a new book being released next month, I am facilitating all of the web branding, including the site design and even helping with the content. I’ll be promoting/branding the new website soon, if you have comments or questions, my normal contact pages are all still available.

Some of the cool stuff:

Another AWESOME blogger – Lauren Carlton from Mommy Is Rock ‘N Roll is recruiting me to help her move all her stuff from Blogspot.com to a WordPress blog (might even be hosted by yours truly!)

Wayne Johnson, a successful musician and owner of Noteworthy Ministries (they do really cool things for kids with guitars!) is publishing his biography written by himself and his close friend Frank Ball (from FrankBall.org and North Texas Christian Writers). The book is called Guided Missteps – Hard Times Make for Good Music (@guided_missteps / GuidedMissteps.com) and is a journal of Wayne’s life and how music turned his life around.

Totie Richardson is a very close friend who is also an incredible Tarot reader. Her business via word of mouth is insane considering she doesn’t advertise on the net, so much that we’re putting a website together not only as generic contact point, but also as an informational outlet on the many Tarot projects she has in progress. The website will be at http://tarot-geek.com and will showcase Totie’s wealth of information and life-experience.

Tony-Hunt.net is almost finished. It is my professional site and will showcase some of my projects and IT skills. It’s still a work in progress so don’t be surprised if the site is unavailable, but expect to see some serious promotion on both tonytown.com and tony-hunt.net coinciding with all the websites that are going online.

Anyhow. It’s Christmas Eve.
You should all be hanging out, knocking down some Nog, and having fun.

Merry Christmas everyone! …and thanks for reading!


Sometimes Google Sucks…

Just when I thought I was truly living in a karmic blessing…
Google and my WPStats report let me know that I am just not humble enough.

I know, if you look closely, you’ll notice this was because I was talking about someone else with those characteristics on my blog, but still.

You have to admit that it’s kind of funny 😉