Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Random moments…

“Dude!” (I walked into the room…all grins…I am smiling..big)

Someone with something far more important on their mind answers, “What now man?”

“The Pot” (I already know where this is headed, but continue grinning blissfully)

“WTF are you talking about the Pot?!” Apparently someone just isn’t in the mood for dialog.

“The pot sees man…” (Obviously portraying someone blissfully unaware that the person they are speaking to is not…so…complacent.)

“You are SUCH a dufus, the pot see’s what!? Yaknow what, I don’t even want to know…god you’re a pain to talk to sometimes.” (Start walking out of the room)

“The pot sees the kettle walking out of the room asshole. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”

Writers Block?!

So I got up like insanely early on a Saturday solely to clean up some of the drafts I had started on the blog.

And I can across one that before opening I had assumed was an adequately interesting start of what I would normally consider a rant.

The problem is that, well…apparently I had writer’s block. Let’s see if you can tell why…

Ya. That about sums that up. I am sure I had a very good reason for titling the post that way…but I’ve apparently slept a whole frickin lot since then…

Screw Edward and Jacob…

If you’re like me, and think that the Twilight series fail miserably at truly demonstrating the inner monster we’ve all known and read about for ages…then I encourage you to buck the media, and vote for something for more entertaining.

…I vote for something with far more class.

…far more…panache.

…far more entertaining.

…and far more stimulating to read…and watch.

I vote for…