Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Road to Nowhere

Road to Nowhere
by Bullet for my Valentine

It’s so weird. How long ago doesn’t matter now…a few years back, I’d made a hard decision. It was the kind of decision you make when a potential relationship presents itself that looks completely like a fast road to a not-so-quiet grave. So when I said no, it never occurred to me that she saw “us” me as a way to break away from living in a bottle, rather than my impression that it was an invitation to spend the rest of our days looking through tequila-stained glasses. Of course, after pushing away from the relationship, we rarely spoke, and when we did she was harsh. It hurt to end such a long relationship/friendship (we’d met in college), but it hurt even more about a year later, when we’d found out she’d taken her life. Why doesn’t matter. What matters is this ominous feeling that I could have helped more, I could have not been oblivious, I could have not been such a hardass, I could have been the rope she needed to pull herself out of the rut she was in, rather than the rope she’d use to end it.


Schrödinger’s Cat jokes might not be funny anymore, or they might be…

schrodinger-catYaknow… Schrödinger’s Cat jokes used to be the type of thing us nerdy types would mention and joke about and see who among us made “the cut.” Now…it’s on memes and tshirts and such.

I mention this because it occurs to me that the demographic that was inclined to know this 20 years ago is in no way shape or form similar to the group of people familiar with the experiment today. Quite the opposite, and despite the fact that information and education are becoming more available exponentially every day, the average IQ globally has been falling, and those of us more inclined and/or dedicated to scholastic endeavors find ourselves surrounded by a demographic that can only be quantified by their ability to Google their data rather than experience it.

Why experiment when someone else has already made a video of it?

To me this is like saying why should I sing when there are so many other people that sing better? In my opinion it’s lazy thinking.

Don’t get me wrong, sensationalizing human intellect has given elevation to those of us that would have had to otherwise either be a successful politician, athlete, or entertainer. It’s given smart people the motivation and self-respect to continue rather than elect to conform or worse…act as if they hadn’t the intellect.

The fist time I saw a Schrödinger’s Cat tshirt I thought it was the most awesome thing since relativity…now, I see kids that don’t even know who Schrodinger was wearing the shirt because they saw it on the Big Bang Theory, and thus I am presented with the irony of the situation and the foundation of tonight’s ponderous issue…

It seems that at least on some level, it’s become more attractive to people to act like a nerd rather than to actually be one, and it makes my arse twitch.

Be better.


Hello…you’re waving the wrong flag

flagI have this thing about flags. Specifically, despite all my criticism of our current government policy and leaders, I really hate it I see people protesting here waving another country’s flag. It doesnt matter which other country, it just drives me nuts that people are waving another nations flags in our streets.

Obviously I am not without reason on this, these people feel motivated enough to carry and demonstrate something that symbolizes their goals and/or outrage.

When I see the flags of other nations flying with thousands of people in the streets, I simply get the impression that these people are so effing unhappy or angry that they would raise another coutry’s flag. The impression to me is that they are saying they support another nation over our own…and I suppose this is where I draw the line.

Yes…we’re just talking about symbolism, but to me it’s a very big statement. Not insomuch that people are rallying against the US within it’s own borders, everyone should have that right, but to confront our own people, law enforcement, and/or military waving another country’s flag just makes my arse twitch. Why? Because i’ve always had the impression that that flags symbolism held enough meaning and hope that people would use it as their symbol when they want change or desire greater freedoms. To use another flag suggests a huge lack of confidence in your own country.

This is the impression I get when I see it, and it makes me want to lecture these people on why exactly this isn’t solving their problem/cause as much as it likely to be segregating it from what everyone that isn’t protesting feels.

Anyhow…end small rant. And yes, I am going to be writing lots more…there is simply too much stupid in the world for me not to comment on it. 😉
