Monthly archives: October, 2008

More Arghishness!


About two weeks ago…my webhost starts screwing with the server very heavily, but off and on…keeping me from making sure the websites are all running.

I just found out that they blew out the configs for my contact form…no clue HOW they pulled that off…but they did. it works now…but didn’t before.

anyhow…if you tried to use the contact form, it probably didnt work.

My email address is as follows:

m e
a t
t o n y t o w n
d o t
c o m

Halfway into Vacation…

It’s been weird.

First of all, I don’t think I’ve ever slept so much. I am not quite sure why it needed it….but a week of no pressure, no deadlines, and no expectations seems to have opened my eyes. I havent been so relaxed in a VERY long time. The flip side…
So far…here’s what I’ve done:

Haven’t smoked one cig in about 3 weeks. This is a big deal…no cravings…mainly because I have been avoiding people that stress me out…or try to 😉

Slept 8-10 hours per day (usually cant do this unless I am sick)

Read the following books:

The Paradiso (Dante Alighieri – been tiptoeing around finishing up the re-read)
Sword Dancer (Jenifer Roberson)
Sword Singer (Jenifer Roberson)
The Knight (Gene Wolfe)
The Wizard (Gene Wolfe)
Eldest (Christopher Paolini)
Brisingr (Christopher Paolini – I am just about to read this one)

Finally figured out what I am going to with the apartment arrangement-wise(this is important…i am a libra, everything in the apartment must be aesthetically pleasing to me).

Coming pretty close to a decision about school and work. Since people from work actually read this…they can draw their own conclusions.

My mom has been calling every few days to rub it in that she’s ona 15 day cruise in Hawaii 😉

Anyhow…that’s about it…i should still be able to rent a car to get down to the event this weekend, and my birthday party is still totally on.

Life is good, because I haven’t had to do much of anything 😉


JibJab…I love you!

Nothing makes me feel more warm n fuzzy…well….’cept Erica and Ribeyes, Paris Hilton when she’s talking about McCain, and…well..I cant stop giggling!!! JibJab, for all you ever wanted in politically incorrect humor!!!

McCain and Palin Dance in High School Mucial 3! – JibJab