Monthly archives: September, 2007

Income Tax is Stupid.

Yep..I said it!

Now, loads of people just up and say “God I hate income tax.” But knowing full well that bitching about something one has absolutely no control over is tantamount to stress-related illnesses creeping in unwelcome, it goes without saying more that income tax serves as the governments source of financial foundation and is a necessary evil.

…and nothing changes…for decades…except the same products for some reason cost 10 times what they did 50 years ago despite how much more efficient we’ve become in producing products, food etc we need to live.

What is worse? Politicians wasting money when they don’t need to, or Politicians wasting money when they don’t WANT to.

Here’s a message to all you politicians. When someone comes up with an income solution that allows you MORE money that you had before, US Citizens get a permanent reprieve from the big bad Income Tax monster, and removes an ambiguous financial institution that does nothing but call negative attention to itself…ITS TIME TO WAKE UP AND ACT ON THIS COUNTRY’S BEHALF.

FAIR TAX is one hell of an answer to a lot of problems we have with the US Economy.

I am not saying it’s THE answer to everyone woes. But it solves a hell of a lot more problems than is creates.

Who is the enemy in this? Believe it or not, its not the politicians, it is none but the lobbyists for special interest groups that stand to fall from financial omnipotence and possibly be forced to find a new method of living like kings without having to actually earn money directly rather than living off the system.

All I am saying is that this is a good idea. And the only people in the way are those groups willing to pay off politicians to turn a blind eye.

FYI – If you’re a lobbyist, don’t identify yourself to me. I’ll make a scene you likely not be too happy with.


Seven U.S. troops killed in Iraq

Seven U.S. troops were killed in Iraq on Thursday, the U.S. military said on Friday.

26,000 U.S., Iraqi troops conduct offensive

About 26,000 U.S. and Iraqi forces are taking part in an offensive against al Qaeda in Iraq in northern Iraq, the U.S. military said on Thursday.