Monthly archives: June, 2007

Nine U.S. troops die in Iraq

Nine U.S. troops were killed in Iraq on Saturday, bringing the U.S. military death toll so far in June to 79, the military reported.

U.S. reports dozens of al Qaeda militants killed in Iraq

U.S. and Iraqi troops killed dozens of al Qaeda militants in Iraq’s Diyala province over the past four days, the U.S. military reported on Friday.

Being Libra…

Expressing your emotions with confidence can provoke an unexpected response from a coworker or partner. Although you thrive on making others feel at ease, don’t worry so much today about trying to be nice. Even if your concern for others makes you happy, you must now push past the infatuation stage and beyond your dreams. Get real and make a move that truly counts.

–I see this as the advice to sacrifice myself, for myself. Something I am specifically not so hot at. Getting real is something i am acutely good at, people just asume my indifferent demeanor means I am ignoring the gravity of situations. So tonight I am supposed to make a move that truly counts…riiiiiiight.