Tag: tonytown

Something funny presents itself…

Yes, something funny always presents itself when you least expect it.

So it was a good night. We went to see a play at One Day Only, had a beer at Nick’s Grill, and then went to hang out with some friends that live pretty close to the casa.

So we’re sitting outside lounging next to a pool and generally relaxing, and I noticed my buddy Kevin had been gone for a few minutes, but the conversation was good so didn’t think anything of it.

So a few more minutes go by and Kevin finally comes back out and he seems a bit exasperated…

“I texted you Tony” he says as he sat back down with us, “Heather is there some trick to unjamming you bathroom door?”

So as he says that I am reaching for my phone, and got this:

My roomie kevin got trapped in a bathroom ;)

The really funny part is when Kevin realized he was trapped in the bathroom, he also realized that the toilet was about to overflow…

Tony just FaceBook Failed

So I am commenting a little on FaceBook tonight.

…and of course…

I kinda commented on the wrong post for the same person and didnt notice and it turned into a funny.

Tony just FaceBook Failed

If this doesn’t make you smile…then I guess it didn’t make you smile, but it IS funny dammit.

Yes. Tony is a dork. (putting this on twitter too 😉

Just a little funny.

Mark after holding up the baby.I just wanted to share this little bit of funny.

I have this old bud Mark. He posted this picture that just REALLY bought a tear to my eye.

This is what happens when you hold the sick baby up over your face 😉