Tag: Rants

Be a good person.

This is actually a quote from a really cool guy I met via another cool friend on Facebook. He fairly regularly posts some pretty insightful stuff, and this one really caught me.

So you want to be a good person? Do what’s right? Here’s the deal, you’re going to be hated…Hated for reasons you’ll never fully understand. People are going to say things about you: lies and over exaggerations about your past. People are going to take advantage of you, cheat you, lie to you, steal from you because you know it’s no good to be untrusting. You will be taken for granted. You will not be respected and you will suffer and, yet, you will walk with grace through it all…and grow and grow and you won’t stop…because you made a commitment…and it’s far from the easy path…but you are good person…stay true…do the right thing and, in the end, nothing will stop you. Being good is it’s own reward. It will all make sense in time…and remember, you weren’t always a good person yourself.

-Aaron Manley Smith

He’s right. When you think about it, doing good things IS it’s own reward. There are a tons of people out there that are under the mistaken impression that they will not succeed if they don’t take the time to stop and help others do the same, and I feel bad for them, because in doing good things, you lead by example. You teach others that you should never be reluctant in helping those that need it.

A couple months ago a friend and I were driving back to Dallas from a long trip visiting friends, and the craziest thing happened. We’re on our side of the highway, and the lanes going the other direction we at least 20 yards away, but something was really wrong because I was seeing headlights directly ahead of us and coming fast. I swerved quickly onto the shoulder of the highway as a sports car zoomed by at about 60mph going the wrong direction on the tollway. My friend and I just kindof looked back stunned wondering what the hell just happened. We then called the state troopers and let them know about it. Just as we finished the call and were about to pull back onto the highway, a truck pulled up behind us.

The driver got out and walked up to my window and asked if I needed help. Why? Because I had my blinkers on and it was late at night. He wasn’t some horror figure from a bad movie, he was being a good person. I kick myself when I remember this because THAT is the exact kind of person I like to meet. I wish I had gotten his name so I could invite him over to meet the crew, etc.

If we as a society made sure to impress this behavior as a moral obligation rather than playing the ignorance or indifference cards I think our lives would be quite a bit better. I know I come off as a bit hardcore about this type of perspective though. I still tell people this, “The only divinity you will ever experience is your own.” It’s not meant to discredit anyone’s beliefs, it’s meant to get people to make an effort to make and experience their own miracle. I think walking THAT path affords you a far brighter journey.

Just my .02 😉



So I’ve come to another realization.

Not only is there so much stupid in the world that it’s overwhelming.

Not only does stupid run rampant and far too often unchecked, prevented, or corrected…

Not only can I not keep up with it in its…we’ll call it grandeur (for lack of a simpler word to spare)

…on more occasions than I am comfortable with…I am a part of the problem instead being part of the solution.

I am sure most of my friends will screenshot this in order to make sure they have proof I offered this unto the never-forgetting interwebs, but I don’t mind the occasional self-admission and it’s not like tons about me isn’t already online. 😉

Now, because I have a BIG GINORMOUS rule about getting too personal about my friends and loved ones, that is about all the detail I’ll be fessing up. If you’re a close friend, you already have such a vast repertoire of incidents and stories regarding my antics that another one is almost blasé and you can certainly rest easy knowing I have another notch on my belt.

Now if you happen to be a casual reader and wondering how far down the rabbit hole my life traverses…

This time…I didn’t drive off the side of a mountain at 70mph in a truck.

This time…I didn’t go camping, get drunk, and introduce all my friends to the term “skyclad” using myself as a point of reference at the campfire for everyone to see.

This time…I didn’t get lost after taking a walk in a neighborhood 30 miles away from my casa after my own birthday party.

This time I managed to screw up a damn good friendship, and I am feeling like absolute shit over it.

Huckleberry Finn edited.

Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with have the N word removed from it so schools will use it again.

I read about this form a couple cool places.

@avitable wrote about it.
CNN did a little article on it as well

I am just going to make this short and to the point.

Taking the N word out of books so it will be read in schools doesn’t solve the problem.

Our children should read those books as they were written, not as schools are comfortable with them.

In catering to a distinct minority or crying parents, the education of all our children in school is stunted by exposure to abridged material.


Idiots. There are kids in junior high school having sex, doing drugs, and carrying fucking guns.

…and the schools are taking the N word out of a classic.

Don’t get me wrong…the N word is incredibly offensive to me. But this isn’t some ignorant loudmouth with no tact mouthing of…this is a classic piece of literature.

This is like telling the Louvre that they have to cover up the bust of Mona Lisa because I was offended by her bosom…or forcing the Rodin Museum to put shorts on “The Thinker” because he isn’t wearing any clothes.

I don’t think I could ever read a sanitized piece of literature…its like taking the culture and feeling out of a work and leaving only a stick figure (if that sounds right.)

Google News on Censoring of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn