Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Dancing in the right place…

I am going to preface this by saying it is incredibly obvious that some people haven’t seen the movie Footloose.

In a nation where our government continually shoves “freedom” down our throat, this is what happens.

Earlier yesterday Adam Kokesh and a number of others were detained when they chose to dance at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial…hell what am I saying…”detained” isn’t even adequate. At one point Kokesh was body slammed and choked. Another guy was forcibly pulled away from his wife while embraced with her.

So what was the right thing to do? Protest of course. Some people may mistakenly think this demonstration wasn’t necessary, but after seeing the result…I think it was absolutely necessary.

How many times does their local PD have to waste manpower because a law is simply not protecting the people. Laws restricting our freedoms should be taken seriously, but this? Seriously? THEY WERE DANCING!!!! I just have to say if I meet Mr. Kokesh, I’m buying him a drink. No one deserves to be handled like that when they aren’t presenting themselves as a danger to anyone. I am sure some local attorneys are going to have a field day with this because Kokesh apparently is running for office…and probably just pulled in a TON of votes, as the video above has gone viral.

Cheers People, and don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t dance. 😉


Oops, almost forgot. Adam Kokesh’ website is HERE if you want more.

A couple quick lessons for new bloggers…

At first I was going to render this as some sort of fairy tale is teach a lesson about spending so much time on irrelevant things that the main character ended up missing opportunity.

But then I realized some things…

First, I am not all the great at fairy tales.
Second, I don’t think my point would come across quite clear enough…

If you start a blog to express your Love for Dolphins. Where does learning SEO come into play? Bottom line…it doesn’t. Blogging is about writing…not about WordPress…and SEO shouldn’t be your #1 concern.

As much as I love WordPress and promote it, the important part of blogging is doing just that. Bloggers by definition express themselves online – writing is all. People pushing SEO and content management and CRM down your throat are just trying to make a buck. Don’t get me wrong…once your writing is developed and you have a good 30-100 posts done and you’ve found your Mojo, maybe looking into self-promotion is opportune, but if you aren’t technically savvy, all you’re doing is wasting valuable writing time trying to do it yourself and to be honest, on the web…everything you get free is worth just that…nothing.

Even more importantly, get yourself stable on the blog you are using. I don’t mean to imply learn it from a developers standpoint, I mean learn how to use it properly. I’ll be using WordPress as an example (mainly because almost every other platform is either under-developed or over-priced).

Lesson #1 – Know where you’re going before you go there!
There are a lot of different places to land some free blog space. are both very popular blog areas, but they are almost secular with regard to the rest of the net, and can really be a minefield if your intent for the blog is professional in nature. Tumbler.comis sooo not a blog…its more like Twitter on crack than it is a blogging venue, although many many bloggers use it to advertise their posts. and are two incredibly different animals. is a service that offers free WordPress blogs to people on the net. This version of WordPress this service uses is incredibly crippled and offers the user virtually no control or room to modify. Then there is, this is the actual WordPress website that offers the platform the big players use. Whats the difference? Simply put, if you become serious about your writing and/or blogging, there is a huge likelihood you will end up having to move away from at some point as they can get incredibly pricy for modifications to their service. That’s right, the blog only stays free as long as you don’t need any additional functionality, past that it’s a fee based service.

Lesson #2 – Find Your Red Dress! (quoting Jenny!)
Some time ago this awesome person did an incredibly inspiring article on..well…a red dress. In finding and digging on that red dress, she just gave everyone the impression she’d just finished living happily ever after in some Disney flick. It was that kind of happy! Now it’s not like I’m implying that’s my goal…as much as everyone would enjoy seeing it…busting out in a red dress isn’t my gig…but the symbolism in this was all too clear. Find your own groove. Do what makes you happy, and for Jesus-on-a-pogo stick write like you’re finding that voice every second. I have some reading suggestions I’ll put at the bottom of the article as well.

Lesson #3 – Mingle!
Check out some other people’s sites and start to reading, start looking at their site, are they a good read? Make sure and comment where you feel the urge, many bloggers consider comment activity a measure of how successful they are at reaching larger groups of people. Also by commenting on their blog, others might be drawn to read your blog (which is usually linked in said comment). Now you’re doing more than just checking out other sites…you’ve become social, and inso doing…you’ve started networking (even if it’s only a few people).

Important books you can read that will make you a WordPress Power User:
WordPress All-in-One For Dummies
This is pretty much everything you need to know. If you need something that this book doesn’t cover, chances are you need a professional to help you.

Using WordPress
This is a good starter book as well. Highly recommended.

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
This book is a must have for anyone looking to write blogs professionally. If you want to make money from your blog…read this book.

Now…there you have it. Enough quick advice and a few books to make sure you don’t completely drop the ball in creating your first blog or website.

Now for my last bit…some all-encompassing advice. There are a lot of people out there that own businesses and are real do-it-yourself types. A business website should be handled professionally, anyone can learn how to put together a rudimentary website with a few Google searches and a few more brain cells. Putting together websites that are designed to promote a business or product are a whole new animal, and while there is literature out there to help you, nothing beats experience and professional development when it comes to websites and making them successful. Advertisement and promotion can often break a bank, but only if you don’t shop around.

I offer hosted blogs for $50 a year as long as you don’t break 5gb bandwidth a month (which is a LOT…if you’re breaking that you’re already making $ from the site). Most of my competitors charge more than double that. These aren’t crippled blogs and you pretty much have your run of the site. I am just listing this as an example, because there are some really incredible deals out there.

Happy Blogging!


CDC admits to a Zombie Apocalypse

Get A Kit,    Make A Plan, Be Prepared.…well…Hell’s Horse on a Pogo Stick… first the Zombie Apocalypse…now the Rapture must be coming too!

…there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit…ready 😉

So we have the Zombie Apocalypse AND the Rapture…personally I find an incredible amount of amusement in both. The Big Z.A. is an adventure waiting to happen, and there is no end of content and incredibly bad film to make sure you stay acclimated, ready and entertained by even the notion that it might happen. And the Rapture…well…here’s a thought…all the people convinced that their virtuous destiny is to be scooped up and delivered to a higher plane. Honestly…I am pretty cool with either. I can joke about both on an incredibly regular basis, and if either actually happens, well…I am totally okay with being left in what can only be considered a target rich environment where the only people left around are more than capable of surviving without money, politicians, taxes, and cellphones. Lets just say I am a glass half full kind of guy eh?

SO…yeah…here’s a quick start on the Big ZA.

The Zombie Apocalypse
That’s right…the CDC finally admitted to it today HERE that we do in fact need to get a grip…and start preparing.

If you do anything…at least RTFM!!!! Get your copy of The Zombie Survival Guide. This quick manual will get some of the kinks out of your rough draft on how to survive!

If you haven’t already found out…there are some really good websites out there to help you prepare as well.

Jenny Lawson (aka usually hooks us up with little tips and insights on how to cope. If you’re not reading her posts…you’re probably going to die. The Zombie Survival Wiki is a huge resource on everything regarding zombies and how to survive them. If you don’t check out this site…you’re also probably going to die. The Center for Disease Control even has a few tips. Although if you don’t read this one, you’re probably so NOT entertaining that other more experienced people will feed you to zombies, and thereby still going to die.

The Rapture
Somewhere along the way in our heads…we were as a society convinced by someone else that the end of days was somehow true. Somewhere along the way, we were duped into being fearful of death. The ultimate price to pay for living outside those boundaries. Your soul. So we (the smart ones) create this endgame scenario that according to its adherents is always only a day away that feeds on your fear, letting you not necessarily believe, but act in accordance just in case. Yep. That’s actually most of us in some form or fashion.

That big day is going to come and if you didn’t listen to your sermons and donate at least 10% of everything…when the Rapture comes…you get stuck with the Zombies…because every one else is apparently going to be saved by an all-powerful deity whose sole love is for a world chuck full of aggressive angsty people that like going to war for no reason.

…or not. Personally…I think it’s distressing that so many people build their lives around some intangible looming death. But after spending so many years trying to reason it out…now it’s just plain funny. I found a little humor in the pic tot he right…and had to share. This is courtesy of Skippy from and if you want a copy to send to a friend, go HERE.

The news has sensationalized this crap…and the theme of responsible journalism has managed to evolve into incredibly biased (or censured) media outlets. I am not going to link them because i draw the line on sensationalizing people fears.

Anyhow…that’s the fist in many a new rant. I know it’s been a while and I can tell I am out of practice. Feel free to comment and berate 😉
