Monthly archives: November, 2009

Finally bit the bullet…

..I got an iPhone.

I am sure that in the next couple weeks I will have plenty to say about it.

Mainly the cool part about being able to take pics and post them here in a heartbeat. You all know how I love taking embarrassing pics. πŸ˜‰

And I am sure I’ll find something no so cool about it.


Nat’s still funny!

Okay…before you think it…it’s not like her vids stopped being funny.

I just couldn’t think of what to title the post. If I posted with the title Sleepover Awkwardness…well..lets please remember I’m male and completley outside the range of age where I could ever possibly hold a legitimate conversation about sleepovers…unless..ugh…nevermind.


Yeah. Slope. Slippery.

That said, just watch the damn video. Nat’s badass πŸ˜‰

You can find buku amounts of chortle-worthy entertainment from Nat RIGHT HERE

Too cool to get a ticket!

This is truly a lesson on perspective.
This is also a lesson on what I might be hearing at any given point throughout the day *grin*

Too Super Cool For His Ticket – Watch more Funny Videos