Monthly archives: July, 2008

Nothing sucks…

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…like accidentally nuking eight years of email and having to recover it all in a very slow and only partially successful process.



Two years?!

Welll…that just kinda rocks…so I’ve been using this site for two years…syndicated to LJ, MS, FB, and almost done with Zune…my music will play for you…most of my posts are visible for all. What is to do next?

Should I start posting reviews…videos…pod-casts….hehe those could be fun if most of my friends weren’t utterly terrified of having someone actually see them or hear them online and expose the reckless abandon prevalent in their night-life…um…NOT. Anyhow..I will consider it…

In the meantime…if you have ideas…comment away!

Thanks again for the bandwidth!


Ever wonder…

…why I always said that guy my mom married after we moved to Tejas (when I was a kid) was such a chode?

I could go over the very long list of abusive things he’d done directly to my mom and I, but quite frankly my memory is rather vivid and reliving most of the worst events in my life just doesn’t seem fun right now. What I will do -however- is treat you all to a very recent taste of the jerk…the loser…the criminal…the asshole…that was married to my mom, was the sole instigator in trashing most of my youth, and who apparently wasn’t satisfied with wasting mine and my mother’s lives.

Read this ARTICLE, then this ARTICLE.1

To be clear everyone…this guy is not my real father. Please don’t confuse the two. The person referenced in the article linked is Joe Cruz Martinez, who married my mom shortly after she and I moved to Tejas.



Show 1 footnote

  1. NOTE: The links provided here do not work anymore because the newpaper in question has archived the articles and charges for access to their archives. HERE is that link, you can read the articles on the asshat there if you like.