Monthly archives: July, 2008

Woes for the Ripened Tomato…(updated again)

And you guys thought I don’t keep up…they cant say which toms are bad yet, but they know where the toms haven’t reported problems. Being the Zesty Italian I am…this is important to my well-known Saucy Goodness. 😉

Anyhow..apparently tomatoes from certain sources are now on the big DONT EAT list according to the FDA. Luckily good ol’ Tejas is on the safe list for distributors. The culprit?

Salmonellosis…yes…you heard right. I even asked the guy that shot me the link…it’s real, even thought the site itself isn’t exactly CNN caliber…it’s legitimate. I strongly urge everyone to hit the link and read up.

Details can be found in the article I was reading HERE.


And another UPDATE

And the next installment…it seems the outbreak is even greater…see HERE

Ciao everyone, and safe cooking!!


Almost Easy

By Avenged Sevenfold

Listen…understand…learn…and let it sink in….;)

Oops! Pictures/Gallery is back!

I had no idea that the gallery was on restricted access…

feel free to check it out…;)
