Tag: tonytown

Why I do it…

So as most of you know, I love writing. I love reading too.

The big problem is that I’ve never been in environments where being inclined in the journalism arena has rewarded with more than a small bit of pride for expressing ideas and opinions in such a manner that other people seem to like reading. Hence, the blog.

You see. If you get mentioned on the blog…in some form or fashion…you’re important in TonyTown. It may not be in the creepy stalker way you’re wishing for, but the truth is that being mentioned here is an indication that in some form or fashion, there is some moral or ethical scenario you should invest the time to develop an opinion on.

For some crazy reason…I am ten times more inspired when writing here than I am when fixing expensive servers or helping people save/make more money. I think maybe I feel disconnected from the world I want to help, and am inexorably bound to a part of the world that yields no social or ethical reward, and boy is it making for a very unhappy Tony.

Luckily, my Mom has totally given me a little piece of inspiration and it directly involves my writing and even more importantly my desire to do something far more meaningful. News about it later as I get some things organized, but the people I have to thank for this idea are sooo going to get some kudos…
In the meantime. It may help you understand the thought process of moral/ethical reward versus financial. Watch this video, I swear you’ll learn something.

Anyhow, the creative juices are flowing. Hope you guys enjoy the ride ๐Ÿ˜‰

I published dirty secrets. My Bad.

Not really. Much to their joy, most of my friends get to stay off the TonyTown radar.

But it seems Google is getting making more and more friends.

What I worry more about is the far-too-many-to-be-safe fanatical political hate-mongers that lurk the net all the time in search of someone they can vent on.
I think they must have a lot of stock in Google.

Picture courtesy of http://www.theonion.com


All you crazy politicking zealots looking for a quick score…heh…man I don’t even need to say it…

About last weekend.

Kevin’s party was a blast.

For the two beautiful women that decided I had good hands ๐Ÿ˜‰
Thanks Kevin for pimping my hands out.

“I am accomodacious to your resplendishness and fortification!”
Thanks Rick for reminding me know why I barely drink anymore.

Never go to sleep while a campfire is still going!
Thanks John for putting out the fire.

“Don’t worry Tony, I already put in a good word for ya.”
Wow. You have not seen the depths of dumb this guy(me) gets when he thinks he’s being set up. ๐Ÿ˜‰

“Well, I think I can kick your ass.”
Thanks again Kevin, for demonstrating exactly how to scare two grown men into staying the hell out of your reach ๐Ÿ˜‰

“I can’t believe you spit in his face, and then leaned over to kiss him while he’s taking a sip of beer. How did you think that was going to work out?”
Things couples do to each other and put up with from each other while drinking will never cease to amaze me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pretty sure I’m missing people…but…Kevin, Totie, Tamra, Jordan, Rick, Heather, Kelly, Tyler, Lori, Jacee, John…I had a blast, thank you all for hanging and having me over!

…and next time, I am soooo gonna cook. Ya’ll ain’t seen the real skilz yet ๐Ÿ˜‰


PS – If you’re wondering…none of the pics cam out all that good, there was only one good video. Unforuntately it’s too funny to allow online ๐Ÿ˜‰