Tag: Tony’s Music

Phantom Rider

by Tora Tora

I don’t fear death. Met the guy on so many occasions I think we might actually have something of an understanding nowadays. This song was one of my favorites in high school. Yeah I know…those were the days of metallica, hair bands, and everything in between…but these guys had a little jam in them and this song always had it’s place in the very long playlist ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a listen, pretty sure you’ll like the lyrics at the very least…and have fun finding the album ๐Ÿ˜‰


Phantom Rider

Count the times
Feel ’em pass you by
Witness the pain
that it leaves behind

Shadows grow darker,
weakens the soul
it takes you away
where the winds are blowin’ cold

Phantom Rider
please don’t take me away

Time is everlasting,
But nothing out lasts time.
Whatever comes must go it seems,
It’s not ours to question why

Just lift your hands up to the sky.
Taste the warmth of the sun.
Keep livin’ for the moment,
‘Cause your time is gonna come

Phantom Rider
please don’t take me away

You can feel it commin’
the older that you grow,
and when your time has come at last
there’s some things you’ll never know

So always remember
to keep your guard up high
’cause you’ll never know when the Phantom
will make his lethal ride.

Phantom Rider
please don’t take me away…

The best play of ‘Stand By Me’ I’ve ever heard…

Music is everything to me…it’s not uncommon for you all to hear me say this:

Every morning I wake up to music, and every morning I am reminded of how empty my life would be without it ๐Ÿ˜‰

This gig was posted today on Youtube by PrayingForChange. Have a listen, and watch, pretty sure this vid will go viral. Share it with your friends. I think everyone should check it out…I guess it’s one of those feelgood things ๐Ÿ˜‰

My Heart (cover by Kate McGill)

Originally by Paramore

I am normally content to embed audio into a flash player for you all, but I think Kate brings a bit more to the table (and she doesn’t publish raw audio ;). I am ten times more interested in the heartfelt words and sonet from a talented woman singing in her bathroom than I am in listening to the horribly washed studio edits you tend to get shoved into your ears. SHe’s good, and in alot of cases, she puts a completely different direction on song…alot of which I wouldnt have listened to otherwise ๐Ÿ˜‰

I know I know…I am being a big softy and not being the hardcore critic. Here’s the difference. One girl singing in her bathroom is managing to sound better than alot of the crap I am hearing coming out of the studio…’nuff said. Have a listen. Who knows you might like it! *grin*

We could sing our own, but what would it be without you?
this is for a girl called Megan, who requested this song in memory of her best friend who died of brain cancer… ๐Ÿ™ i hope you’ll be able to pick up your guitar soon.
-Kate McGill

Kate’s Blog
Katem3 on YouTUbe