It’s one thing to judge a book by it’s cover, it’s another thing entirely to present yourself as a viable critic or bearing expert opinion in a similar fashion. It is not only misrepresentation, it is also doing your audience a disservice.

This is for everyone that passes judgment on a book, or a movie, or entertainment venues solely on reviews. The business world has offered to pay people to give you opinions without actually having long term access or experience in what you’re shopping for…

…and we have embraced it. No less than 4 times today, I have run into scenarios whereby in conversation I was presented not a clear argument, but a reference to a paid review. Paid reviews are just that…advertisements. Movies, technology, investments, it’s like we all suddenly made the decision to shop like shit, and in an effort to admitting ignorance, choose to back an negative opinion just so that we can say we’re right. (*cough* not alluding to Trump *cough*)

This is literally what we’ve become. marketing now is an effort of saturation rather than information. Flood a movie with crap reviews and opinions and it will tank the box office months before the movie is even out…so in seeing a trailer, I get it sometimes they are crappy. But then in seeing a movie, it’s actually frickin amazing. But then the same critic plays his “I am a credible judge of art” card it like gospel…even when they are talking out of their ass.

If you are a fan of a genre, technology enthusiast, voter…LOL…whatever…I think you should do some of your own research, and form your own opinion, rather than adopting whatever you just read on a cursory Google search.

/end rant.

All that said – Tony is a dork, and in case no one has told you today:
Have a great afternoon.
You’re Awesome.
I love you.
Nice Butt.
