Tag: Randomosity…

About last weekend.

Kevin’s party was a blast.

For the two beautiful women that decided I had good hands 😉
Thanks Kevin for pimping my hands out.

“I am accomodacious to your resplendishness and fortification!”
Thanks Rick for reminding me know why I barely drink anymore.

Never go to sleep while a campfire is still going!
Thanks John for putting out the fire.

“Don’t worry Tony, I already put in a good word for ya.”
Wow. You have not seen the depths of dumb this guy(me) gets when he thinks he’s being set up. 😉

“Well, I think I can kick your ass.”
Thanks again Kevin, for demonstrating exactly how to scare two grown men into staying the hell out of your reach 😉

“I can’t believe you spit in his face, and then leaned over to kiss him while he’s taking a sip of beer. How did you think that was going to work out?”
Things couples do to each other and put up with from each other while drinking will never cease to amaze me 😉

Pretty sure I’m missing people…but…Kevin, Totie, Tamra, Jordan, Rick, Heather, Kelly, Tyler, Lori, Jacee, John…I had a blast, thank you all for hanging and having me over!

…and next time, I am soooo gonna cook. Ya’ll ain’t seen the real skilz yet 😉


PS – If you’re wondering…none of the pics cam out all that good, there was only one good video. Unforuntately it’s too funny to allow online 😉

Getting the word out, help for Anissa.

Hope for Anissa is here, now there’s more than prayer necessary. She’s been to the brink and is now on the road to recovery, but she and her family still needs a lot of help.

From TheBloggess.com:

You’ve all heard me talking about my friend Anissa before. She’s amazing and she was once generous to me when she didn’t have to be so now I’m trying to do the same.
She’s one of us and is recovering from multiple strokes and after many months is finally coming home (yay!) but she’s currently hemiplegic and her copay for outpatient therapy is $100 a day for the next 40 days. She’s a mom with small children and they need help. That’s why I’m asking you to donate if you can. $10 is ideal but even $5 will help. And here’s what I’m giving back. See the sponsorship thing at the bottom of this post? Leave a comment below saying that you donated even a dollar and in two weeks I’ll pick one person at random and will pimp you (or the site of your choice) for free as the sponsor of the weekly wrap-up. Click here to donate directly to her family or if that link won’t work for you then you can paypal it to this address: anissa.mayhew@gmail.com.

Bottom line, if you have a spare $5 or $10. Please help them out.


Reading the Bloggess…

So anyhow, if you hear me mention “Jenny”, that’s the Bloggess. A very popular blogger that has an amazing knack for making you laugh at a lot of things you probably shouldn’t laugh at.

A long time ago. I had this friend…no seriously…and he (Robert Ellis aka “Loki”) and I were a terror unto the world. One of the greatest things about his antics was his point of view of the world. It was like living with Yakko the Animaniac. That seemingly unfathomable point of view…he was always right there to give me a dose of it. Jenny is like that too, her blog is raw streaming thought and so unbearably entertaining that I equate her blog with a good Robin Williams monologue. Some people are offended by her. Those are the same people that troll the net looking for things that will piss them off. The rest of us just love the hell out of her point of view in the world. Check out her blog! 😉

The Bloggess

If you’re still wondering, here is a taste of The Bloggess on Twitter:

TheBloggess16 hours ago
In fact, that should be a new rule. You aren’t allowed to read my blog until after you’ve had a drink.

TheBloggess16 hours ago
Unless you’re an alcoholic. Then you get a pass. Maybe huff some paint first.

TheBloggess16 hours ago
Or not. Just a suggestion. Not a good one.

TheBloggess16 hours ago
Mormons aren’t allowed to huff paint? Why does anyone ever become a Mormon?

TheBloggess16 hours ago
Special note to any impressionable stupid people following me: Huffing paint will kill you. Sniff glue instead.

TheBloggess16 hours ago
Elmer’s glue. The kind with the cow on the front. That shit is bad-ass.