Tag: Randomosity…


DraculaSo despite a whole array of friends bailing on going…I still went to see Dracula. This one is pretty true to Bram Stoker’s version. held at The Campus Theatre in Denton, the show ran for roughly 2-2.5 hours, with one intermission. I dont know why everyone bailed, but they totally missed out.

Why did I go?
B. If you know someone that works in the theatre, you should go see them do their thing…period. In this case, *grin* it is one of the lovely vixens (Deni Anderson – we know each other from Amtgard, she plays at Eagleshire).

The show was kickass, Deni rocks…by far the liveliest vixen on stage 😉 …and Renfield was truly above par…there are hollywood actors making millions that could take some serious lessons from this guy (Dennis Welch). Lucy was yummy…*grin*…Van Helsing and Harker were pretty good, but I think Harker could have spend a little more time practicing being psycho for his return to to London.

Would I recommend going to see it?


🙂 -Tony

Being Libra…at Reetz

Someone may require your help today, even if you don’t receive a specific request. If you are concerned about a friend, go ahead and make the phone call yourself. He or she may only need your ear, but remember that confidentiality is crucial, so don’t gossip. You won’t need to solve any problems to be of value; your emotional support will likely be enough.

So…here I was, I just woke up. I have amazing friends did I mention that? Simply amazing. I mean the blazing minds, genuine intentions…its just awesome.

Yes, I am ignoring the horrorscope, it already happened which is freaky because mine rarely end like that. Anyhow, I met two truly amazing women last night One by the name of Renee, she’s pretty damn cool, and has a voice that’ll make you want to very bad things, and most importantly…she and one of my oldest friend’s Greg are stupid for each other…no like really stupid, but its pretty kick-ass to see Greg with someone that is NOT a psycho-dragon-whorebeast-from-hell for once.

Now Amber…Greg didn’t believe me when I said I thought I knew her. She was easily the best looking woman in the place…and there were a lot of women. So when she magically appeared next to me at the bar, I had only one choice…must find out where. I asked straight up, “This is going to sound weird, but did you ever work for Starbucks?” She giggled and politely said “No, but I know who you’re talking about.”…I reply, “It’s been a couple years, but I remember that she had like a twin sister, and she was an amazing artist, her stuff was pretty original, and more often than not thought provoking enough to a real gallery showing.” She got this awesome smile on her face and stuck her had out and said, “By the way, I am Amber.” I was so enamored that upon reflection I am not even positive Amber was what she said, but when I probably could have said just about anything and been given free reign to stare into those eyes for a while longer, I noticed the guy she came in with giving me a very scary evil-eye. I am not making any assumptions here, she was with the other guy, but if I see her again…I am so not going to pass her up again.

Damn I wish we had pics…two nights out in a row without a camera. I must be losing my touch.

Me vs. New Mexico

Sent on August 2, 2007
State of New Mexico
Taxation and Revenue Department
Motor Vehicle Division Augus 02, 2007

The defendant has failed to respond to a citation or pay a fine in New Mexico for this violation within the prescribed time limit. Initiate action to suspend the defendant’s in accordance with the provisions of the non-rsident violator compact. Amount due is to be mailed to the agency indicated below.

Sent on October 22. 2007
Notice of Revocation (from the Texas Department of Public Safety)

Screw the rest of the details. Did anyone else notice the HUGE amount of time it took them to inform me that my license was going to be revoked??? 50 in a 35…in a barren podunk road devoid of people, and it was only 35 because they had construction crap parked on the other side of the road. I was speeding, I admit this no problem, but the first time I tried to pay this ticket the New Mexico T&R they didn’t even have me in the system…that was in July….and the citation occurred in June. I guess I am just bitching because it went so far. Now I have to call Austin and make sure the state doesnt revoke my damn license…argh.