Tag: Randomosity…

Everyman…by Joseph Wagoner…a big round of applause!!!

A short time ago, my friend Joe Wagoner was awarded the Editor’s Choice Award for 2007 by Poetry.com. I am publishing the poem here (with permission) since the display page for Joe’s piece is currently broken. A big round of congratulations for Joe and his award!!!

Graffiti looks to sway WordPress users…

Okay, so you have a software product (CMS) who’s target demographic must be willing to pay $199 for their software. Organizations that cant afford direct development but need support are often on the lookout for this kind of product so that their online presence is looking good and hassle free.

So…Telligent, the developer of Graffiti, a self-anointed powerhouse CMS, purchases the Google AdWord “WordPressPodCast” and places the following as an ad just above your inbox in GMail:

WordPress is not a CMS – graffiticms.com/wordpress Need more than a Blog? Web 2.0 Content Management

Tell me this isn’t silly. A fee based developer reaches out to the strongest open-source (ie – free) publication demographic and tells them what they are using isn’t good enough. This isn’t legitimate advertising, this is simply poor taste. The developer base for WordPress is HUGE. Support for WordPress is easy and very informational as long as you’re capable of posting to a forum, and there is that little part about it being FREE FOR EVERYONE!!!!

Jeez…you would think some companies would find better things to spend their money on.

Word of advice, Telligent. If your strongest competitor is offering the same service you provide FREE, with relatively little difference in support and functionality, you’re product is toast. Spending money in propaganda against the competitor that has only to make one update to announce your poor taste in advertisement seem like a drop in the ocean of searchable content and advertisement is not only antithetical to your goal, but quite simply…well…no big words on this…stupid.

Please visit this post on the issue for more details…

All done!!!

Students suspended for having long hair in school?!


At least four Kerens High School students were suspended Tuesday for three days after ignoring a mandate to cut their hair upon returning to school after Christmas break, according to one of the youths. Matthew Lopez-Widish said that after he and three other long-haired friends entered school Tuesday morning, the principal and assistant principal were waiting and called the students into their office. The students were handed suspension papers, and Matthew said Principal David Tyson told them, “We warned you, and you knew this was going to happen.”

“All I’m going to say is that we took action today,” Mr. Tyson told The Dallas Morning News. “It was basically a violation.” Mr. Tyson would not confirm the number of students suspended. “If the students get haircuts within the next three days, they will be allowed to return,” Matthew said. “I don’t plan on it,” said Matthew, whose hair hasn’t been cut in four years. “I’m not going to change.”

Another friend who was suspended, Andy Coronado, cut his hair during the break to come into compliance, but his hair still reached over his ears and was deemed unacceptable, Matthew said.

The controversy in Kerens, about 15 miles east of Corsicana, erupted a few days before Christmas break. The students were told that they must cut their hair or they’d face alternative schools, be removed from extracurricular activities and perhaps jeopardize graduation. Administrators said the new mandate stemmed from students repeatedly ignoring hair code policies.

The policy for male students at Kerens High says hair may not go past the collar, below the eyebrows or a half-inch over the ears. Ponytails can be no longer than a half-inch. If the students don’t comply within the next three days, a hearing will be set up to discuss alternative school.

“We are hoping that the situation will be rectified, and we don’t have to go that far,” Mr. Tyson said.

A straight-A senior, Matthew said he doesn’t want to attend alternative school and is willing to look into transferring.
The students still plan to take their cause to the next school board meeting on Monday.

The school systems waste time with what is worn, and hair and piercings and freedom of expression in the most basic manners, and this is what we get. We get administrations abusing authority that seek to impress their own individual consensus on values on other individuals. Students are not in schools to learn some antiquated lesson on conformity, they are there to grow as people. Depriving students of an education based on how they look is biased, prejudicial, and a complete antithesis to our freedom of expression. I sincerely hope this instigates litigation on behalf of those students being railroaded.