Tag: Geek

Imaginary limits…

What would you say if I told you I was going to charge you for every word you spoke over 5000 every month?

Would you laugh? I would personally punch me in the face.

Internet service provider ComCast is now limiting bandwidth to it’s customers.

Please allow me to explain how a network operates.

The greatest cost in the use of a computer network is in establishing the line and hardware necessary for connection. The cost of power for said operation is minimal to the provider. This is the fundamental problem the phone companies are now falling apart from, they cant compete with companies not charging by quantity rather than flat connection rates. Comcast is milking a market that is so easy to make money from that it seems insane that they are looking for more money!

I’ve done logistics on this. Past the initial investment of lines, the cost of operation and maintenance in said connection (barring end-user responsibility) is such a tiny fraction of the charges involved that I find it astounding that a limit exists.

Anyhow…this is so damn stupid I am getting worked up…feel free to read more here:


It’s alive!!!! (Server is back up :)

They’ve restored my webserver.

There should be quite a bit more content pumped in over the next few days, but I don’t want to overload the daily posts.
Stay tuned and have a great weekend!


The Big Bang Theory

I believe that the voices of fear, both from without and within, can only be dispelled by trusting the voice that comes from the heart. Be still and listen to it. If it speaks of love and compassion for others, for the world itself, it just might be the voice of God — or a reasonable facsimile. If, however, it snarls with fear of the unknown, fear of losing what you have or of not getting what you want, then it might just be the voice of Rupert Murdoch — or a reasonable facsimile. – Chuck Lorre Productions, #212

I don’t know whether to cry because I love this show or do a jig because a sitcom based on geeks & brainiacs is remarkably similar…I daresay reminiscent of my life not so long ago…

I’ll probably do both and never truly admit it.

In the meantime…I recommend the show, it is quite humorous but requires a receptive vocabulary of > 20k words…;)
