Tag: blog

Why I do it…

So as most of you know, I love writing. I love reading too.

The big problem is that I’ve never been in environments where being inclined in the journalism arena has rewarded with more than a small bit of pride for expressing ideas and opinions in such a manner that other people seem to like reading. Hence, the blog.

You see. If you get mentioned on the blog…in some form or fashion…you’re important in TonyTown. It may not be in the creepy stalker way you’re wishing for, but the truth is that being mentioned here is an indication that in some form or fashion, there is some moral or ethical scenario you should invest the time to develop an opinion on.

For some crazy reason…I am ten times more inspired when writing here than I am when fixing expensive servers or helping people save/make more money. I think maybe I feel disconnected from the world I want to help, and am inexorably bound to a part of the world that yields no social or ethical reward, and boy is it making for a very unhappy Tony.

Luckily, my Mom has totally given me a little piece of inspiration and it directly involves my writing and even more importantly my desire to do something far more meaningful. News about it later as I get some things organized, but the people I have to thank for this idea are sooo going to get some kudos…
In the meantime. It may help you understand the thought process of moral/ethical reward versus financial. Watch this video, I swear you’ll learn something.

Anyhow, the creative juices are flowing. Hope you guys enjoy the ride 😉

What is a fekton?

Fekton is Shocking - Tonytown.comI have this infrequent habit of creating a word specifically in order to shrug of the negative karma the internet bestows upon me when I inadvertently use a fekton of language that would otherwise be considered profane, offensive, or ill-considered.

In this case, the word fekton specifically refers to an unimaginable amount of something, that is – so much of an object, item, or substance that it is immeasurable. Strangely enough this word rhymes very closely with a two word phrase that also describes an unimaginable amount of something.

fekton (fuhk tuhn)
(fuk’ tun)
1) An unimaginable amount of something; so much of an object, item, or substance that it is immeasurable.
2) A lot more than an ‘A$$ Load’ or ‘$h1t Ton’

Thats pretty much it. I have been taking a break from posting a regularly because, well…sometimes I need a break, and I’d prefer not to encumber my blog with a fekton of fluff 😉

That said..yes, I am in fact a big dork that really does do this 😉

Another go…


Originally, this was just a test post for some functionality tweaking so I could post to here with a quick text from my phone. But it had a small side effect I wasn’t prepared for. I didnt know that from that point forward, if someone googled “Tony is a Dork”…it would ring out at the top of a google search over a year later.

Cool eh? I actually think so. Instead of my number, I can tell the throngs of women stalking me to simply google “Tony is a Dork” to find me.

Yeah…because I am THAT cool.

I can add pics, video, etc to any post now. The goal here is to get posts fully functional if I send them from gmail. I know it sounds lame but I am specifically looking to be able to plug in, upload media, and send the email with everything in it and have wordpress pump it into the screen.

There is more tweaking to do like tags and html filters…but it’ll be pretty cool to be blogging from my phone…via email…everywhere else 😉
