Tag: 2009

What is a fekton?

Fekton is Shocking - Tonytown.comI have this infrequent habit of creating a word specifically in order to shrug of the negative karma the internet bestows upon me when I inadvertently use a fekton of language that would otherwise be considered profane, offensive, or ill-considered.

In this case, the word fekton specifically refers to an unimaginable amount of something, that is – so much of an object, item, or substance that it is immeasurable. Strangely enough this word rhymes very closely with a two word phrase that also describes an unimaginable amount of something.

fekton (fuhk tuhn)
(fuk’ tun)
1) An unimaginable amount of something; so much of an object, item, or substance that it is immeasurable.
2) A lot more than an ‘A$$ Load’ or ‘$h1t Ton’

Thats pretty much it. I have been taking a break from posting a regularly because, well…sometimes I need a break, and I’d prefer not to encumber my blog with a fekton of fluff 😉

That said..yes, I am in fact a big dork that really does do this 😉

mmmm Music!

So it’s about time for a new 2009 Playlist…

Essentially I put the best music I can get my hands on in the past year, doesnt have to be released in the past year (as evident in prior playlists).

So anyhow…the new playlist will be streamed of course continually…around 100 songs…not too shabby for when you need a little jam at work 😉

Anyhow if you have suggestions, let me know.
