Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

The best play of ‘Stand By Me’ I’ve ever heard…

Music is everything to me…it’s not uncommon for you all to hear me say this:

Every morning I wake up to music, and every morning I am reminded of how empty my life would be without it 😉

This gig was posted today on Youtube by PrayingForChange. Have a listen, and watch, pretty sure this vid will go viral. Share it with your friends. I think everyone should check it out…I guess it’s one of those feelgood things 😉

New York Talk

by @WhoIsTheBaldGuy (he has a real name, but I actually kinda like the whole “I have another name” thing 🙂

So….this video has already gotten some recognition and I liked it…check it out.

My Heart (cover by Kate McGill)

Originally by Paramore

I am normally content to embed audio into a flash player for you all, but I think Kate brings a bit more to the table (and she doesn’t publish raw audio ;). I am ten times more interested in the heartfelt words and sonet from a talented woman singing in her bathroom than I am in listening to the horribly washed studio edits you tend to get shoved into your ears. SHe’s good, and in alot of cases, she puts a completely different direction on song…alot of which I wouldnt have listened to otherwise 😉

I know I know…I am being a big softy and not being the hardcore critic. Here’s the difference. One girl singing in her bathroom is managing to sound better than alot of the crap I am hearing coming out of the studio…’nuff said. Have a listen. Who knows you might like it! *grin*

We could sing our own, but what would it be without you?
this is for a girl called Megan, who requested this song in memory of her best friend who died of brain cancer… 🙁 i hope you’ll be able to pick up your guitar soon.
-Kate McGill

Kate’s Blog
Katem3 on YouTUbe