Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

A note about the new pics…

…on my website.

Well, to be clear, the pics are quite recent, they were taken roughly the day before the new site went online.

“Tony, those pics of you make you look so mean and angry, why are you using them?”

Thats the fun part. It doesn’t matter much. Even if I put a bunch of warm n fuzzy flower graphics on here my candor would likely make it look like barbaric Vikings had come in to redecorate.


Guess what I am saying is it wouldn’t work.

This way, people can expect me to go off the deep end and can also be surprised when I don’t. Works better I think 😉

Give a Little: @Drew and @DrewFromTV …an update.

…and an explanation.

I previously posted this HERE.

One million follows gets @Drew a million dollar donation to @Livestrong (also known as the Lance Armstrong Foundation) directly from @DrewFromTV (aka Drew Carey)

If you weren’t on this bandwagon before, now would be a good time to get on…if would take like 2 minutes of your life and it’s for a good cause.

eBook readers for the educational system.

Um…so correct me if I am wrong.

But wouldn’t an eBook reader that lasts 5 years be infinitely cheaper and leave less footprint on the environment than the gazillion books we have to go though and ultimately trash?

..just sayin’

…those backpacks would be a whole lot lighter, and carry a whole lot more content. 😉
