Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Beck is yet again…the pinacle of the media machine…

…well…at least in his own mind.

This man (Glenn Beck) is one of the primary reasons I don’t take Fox News very seriously. The guy sensationalizes everything, and throws in buzzwords and names and tries to sound like he has a clue about what he’s talking about. In the end so much useless babble has left his mouth that you *almost* think he might have talked over your head. The truth is that most of the time I don’t hear anything remotely coherent from him.

…but Jesus Monte Christo on a Pogo Stick the dude makes about as much sense as this cat…

What kind of news organization funds that kind of rogue bullshit on such a consistent level? It’s pretty sad that Jon Stewart is more highly regarded for real news reporting….well…it’s really awesome for Jon Stewart of the Daily Show (insert loads of applause and general merry-making here).

For your viewing enjoyment, I have dropped a few good link with which to familiarize yourself with the amazing humor Glenn Beck has come up with, and the love Jon Stewart and the Daily Show have given Glenn for providing so much content for the show 😉

Jon Stewart Tears Glenn Beck’s World Apart!
Glenn Beck Fail: Best Of Beck Clips
Glenn Gets Outed on The View

Ever Wonder…

…why I didn’t pursue an awesome career in percussion?

The answer is:

Because the drummer in this video stole all my awesome, and uses it to play ZZ Top like it was Poison.

Shocking -

Scary how this works.

It's playing in your head.