Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

A friend said this…

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Sure go ahead… I am glad to find others of like mind…

Have a super Sunday!

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Hey nina,

Do you mind if I repost this? It’s the truth and bluntly…
it’s worth the promotion 😉

Take care, and let me know.


—————– Bulletin Message —————–
Date: Apr 14, 2007 2:51 PM

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I was thinkin that I would share my views on myspace etc., based on some recent happenings in the world of Nena…

To be perfectly honest… I think that everyone should have some level of autonomy and should allow for others to have the same… After all, we are communicating with complete strangers and to speak for myself… its mostly bullshit anyway… I mean seriously, is there anyone who is truly looking for a “soul mate” on myspace???? Those terms are mutually exclusive …I think…

I don’t share my personal information with someone until they have earned the level of trust that dictates such a revelation…My feelings will not be hurt if you withhold information from me until I have earned your trust. I dont think people should stalk, or investigate each other… If you want me to know something about you… then I think you should be the one to tell me. Likewise, if I wanted you to know something I would tell you…

Just so you know, if you are in a big hurry to make friends… get them to meet you, get ’em over your house, or whatever…if you are clingy, overbearing, pushy, etc. it wont hurt my feelings at all if you dont talk to me anymore…I am not in a hurry and Im pretty independent…

I am not interested in anything other than cool people who can laugh at themselves, who realize that real relationships are built over time, who understand that people do have responsibilities and commitments that sometimes take precedence over their myspace friends list, and who are mature enough to want something other than a quick fix to their loneliness.

Ok, now I am back to being that funny, weird, metal head chick… I just had to get that out there… I really dont think that anyone reads my profile…or they would already know this… LOL

Hope you all have a super rest of the weekend… I just woke up and now I wanna burrito! I hope to see you at EDGEFEST! WOO-HOO!

RPG woes…

well….it’s mid april, and we havent found any more players than the two already playing. Prospect recruiting might be sparse for this game.

Dozens dead, wounded in bombings across Iraq

A string of car bombs and suicide attacks across Iraq on Sunday killed and wounded dozens in what has been a bloody weekend for the war-ravaged nation.