By The Offspring
Not too shabby a song. Last night was kind of hard-core. Need a bit of this to climb out of the hole 😉
During normal lapses of insanity…
By The Offspring
Not too shabby a song. Last night was kind of hard-core. Need a bit of this to climb out of the hole 😉
I am watching Hurricane Ike like a hawk. Why?
…real simple…loved ones are down there (and not so far away I may add).
I am also reading up on commentary from people getting out of the way who are blogging, and also seeing some keyboard cowboys whose opinions just make me sick.
Look, if at any time, you feel the actions by people so courageous that they stay and face disaster to help others and protect their homes is so stupid that their loss is a benefit to the gene pool…keep it to yourself. It’s the indifference of men that make us fail, and the opinions of asshats that exhibit nothing more than Keyboard Courage – that is – something you say online that you would never have the balls to say to someone’s face with the same tone. It is YOU who are the genetic baggage of the world. The rest of us take part in it. You may continue working so hard at trying to justify why you’re hiding away in front of a keyboard when millions of people are in trouble.
If i wasn’t in my office working right now I would already be down there helping, and there is a strong chance I may still go down there to help.
Many of these people that are so “foolishly” staying in the path of destruction have been instructed to do so or are staying on behalf of others.
So when you generically tell someone they are stupid for facing dangers. STFU before I slap your parents for having you.
…on that note…work is done and I am out of here. Take care all.
Okay guys…
This time…I am actually going to show up for my own birthday party….I know …I know…yeah right!
No seriously I am this time.
I am going to go have a decent steak before the festivities (around 8)
Now since this blog gets more airtime than many television shows…the place will remain unpublished here. But you have only to contact me or hit up my events (as a friend) in MySpace or FaceBook.
The time of the convergence of festivities will be 8pm October 11th.
There are no few number of people I would regard as a gift for just showing up…so if you’re interested, contact me.
Some people go through life trying to find out what the world holds for them only to find out too late that it’s what they bring to the world that really counts.
Some people go through life trying to find out what the world holds for them only to find out too late that it’s what they bring to the world that really counts.
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