Tag: sheeple

The Way of the Dodos.

Okay, to explain to everyone far to lazy to type in “dodo” on Google…seriously:

The dodo is a bird that has been extinct since the mid-to-late 17th century. It is commonly used as the archetype of an extinct species because its extinction occurred during recorded human history, and was directly attributable to human activity, hence the phrase “going the way of the Dodos.”

More importantly, when I am saying it…it means that in order to survive…mankind has forced X to cease existing. This methodology by us (i.e. – humans, here…on earth) could hardly be attributed to natural selection as much as our collective inability to retain knowledge and exhibit wisdom en mass.

You see, we’re pretty self destructive. We’ve got peeps that are going out and killing others for virtually any reason you can come up with. Little children think its fun to scorch ants with magnifying glasses. Bigger children light firecrackers to their pets…and even adults seem to think it’s somehow okay to shoot wild animals for nothing more than the accomplishment (to be clear, I don’t have a problem with peeps that eat what they kill, but the rest are killing for pleasure…again see the title of this little note if you’re wondering where I think those people should end up.)

You see, even I am in that mass selection. I may not see fun in game hunting, but I would find immense satisfaction (and humor) in seeing a lion or bear whip out a glock and cap some game(trophy) hunters.

So here we have it…things go the way of the Dodo all the time. Mainly because we’re a bunch of ignorant gits, but every once in a while because Mother Nature in a fit of self-awareness says “WTF?!” In the end, we’re pretty likely to make it out alive now…as a matter of fact we’re finally becoming keenly aware of our own mortality as a species. Doesn’t stop us from trying pretty hard though.

Example: We figure out that our current methodology of energy production is not only finite, but dangerous to our health. What do we do? We hoard it and act like nothings wrong. We find out that this awesome product (plastics) is useful on like 1000000000 ways and jump on the production bandwagon and don’t spend any time whatsoever one the technology to cleanly dispose of the product.

I think I want to start my own town (yeah TonyTown!) and make laws that make sense…like all retail products in town must be sold in recyclable containers/packages. Grocery stores aren’t allowed to use plastic OR paper bags (reusable cotton ones). Public transportation is 100% emission-free and in use everywhere inside the city limits. Criminals are put into forced labor and no fines would accrue, you get busted, you work for the city…period. Paper products would only be allowed if made from hemp1. People that like to shoot animals for fun are to be ridiculed by law. People that think skin color seriously makes a person different have to deliver babies of a different color for a year without screwing it up. ๐Ÿ˜‰ People that think SyFy is a good replacement for SciFi are to teach science classes for 4 years to advanced students.2 People that don’t like the Transformers movies have to wear a Decepticon tattoo on their forehead for a year. Everyone that ever said something ugly to Natalie Tran (CommunityChannel) has to wear a tee shirt that says “I got owned by Natalie Tran” right near their bum.3 Everyone in the city would be required to have an iPhone handy and would be required to take lessons on usage from Alyssa Milano in hopes that some of her ethics would rub off on them.4 ISP’s would be held accountable for spam…

Wow…I kinda went on a tangent here didn’t I?

Bottom line. Don’t go the way of the Dodo…and don’t make others think you should.

-T ๐Ÿ˜‰

Show 4 footnotes

  1. Just so you know. Originally hemp production initiatives in the states weren’t obstructed by drug enforcement, but by textile industries that didn’t have the lands necessary to compete with strong hemp farming. You see, hemp doesn’t deplete soil(tree farming does), hemp produces roughly 4x the amount of raw paper material that trees do per acre. This allows a farmer to cultivate a dual crop, paper and food if they like. Bottom line, I am not interested in smoking it in the least, but it’s readily as usable as cotton and easier to grow.
  2. I have an opinion about “SyFy” right HERE.
  3. Natalie Tran is a rather popular VLogger. I am a big fan, she has the absolute best sense of humor in the world…watch her vids HERE. Unfortunately, a huge amount of people have what is known as keyboard courage and say some pretty mean things to her…those guys get the afformentioned forced labor ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Sounds silly, but I think everyone should be following Alyssa Milano on Twitter, they might learn a thing or two about being a good person ๐Ÿ˜‰

SyFy? Heh…FAIL.

I thought I was hallucinating…no…seriously. They must think that marketing for kids under the age of 5 (those kids under 5 that can’t spell SciFi, most actually can ๐Ÿ˜‰ will help.

…I am watching the premiere of Wharehouse 13…and instead of SciFi…i.e. Science Fiction…

..we get…
I thought this was a joke…you know…to make fun of people that cant figure out what SciFi is….and it’s REAL. They changed the name.

I am linking up all the articles on this…it’s hilarious…no one likes it.

Friend – back up so soon?
Tony – writing a bit then headed to werk, i figure if scifi can call it SyFy, I can do whatever the hell I want when I spell a word too
Friend – i see… interesting theory, i will let yew get back to wryting

The WP
The Wrap

Look, the bottom line is I feel like a frickin 3 year old watching Nickelodeon now….and I don’t do Nick. If this was only so that SciFi could have a trademarked name…they are complete idiots.

Silly network execs….someone needs to hit them with a very special clue bat.

Arizona Senator fails miserably.

Holy crap. I know people that would move to Arizona and run against her if only to make it very clear just how much this lady should NOT be in office.

We’ll forget that she thinks the earth is only 6ooo years old…and we’ll dive right into why the world survived all that time…you know…before we were digging up uranium…

Seriously…how the &^%$ did anyone vote this woman into office? How the hell did she figure out how to run for office? And more importantly…how does mining radioactive materials improve our childrens’ futures?

This lady get a free entry on The List…