Funny or Die…
All I can say is that if they continue to make me cry tears of joy and laughter much longer I wont make it out of the apartment for a few days.
All I can say is that if they continue to make me cry tears of joy and laughter much longer I wont make it out of the apartment for a few days.
What would you say if I told you I was going to charge you for every word you spoke over 5000 every month?
Would you laugh? I would personally punch me in the face.
Internet service provider ComCast is now limiting bandwidth to it’s customers.
Please allow me to explain how a network operates.
The greatest cost in the use of a computer network is in establishing the line and hardware necessary for connection. The cost of power for said operation is minimal to the provider. This is the fundamental problem the phone companies are now falling apart from, they cant compete with companies not charging by quantity rather than flat connection rates. Comcast is milking a market that is so easy to make money from that it seems insane that they are looking for more money!
I’ve done logistics on this. Past the initial investment of lines, the cost of operation and maintenance in said connection (barring end-user responsibility) is such a tiny fraction of the charges involved that I find it astounding that a limit exists.
Anyhow…this is so damn stupid I am getting worked up…feel free to read more here:
The phrase rings true…always…
…unless of course we’re speaking of our representative government. A resounding “HELL NO” is the opinion of the nation, yet the only members of our government that seem to feel this is relevant is the House…and even then…somehow…a large number still voted in favor.
YO! HOUSE REPS! WTF?! ISN’T IT YOUR JOB TO REPRESENT OUR WISHES?! I haven’t met a single person that is in favor of this bill. This includes three friends that lost their houses to variable interest rate mortgages.
Of what do I speak? I speak of the no vote in the House of Representatives blocking “The Bailout Bill” designed to buffer a collapse in the real estate market.
One problem…thats not where the money is proposed to go.
This is fast becoming utter bull&%$.
I rarely agree with Lou Dobbs, but he is right. The solution here isnt handing over almost a trillion dollars with next to zero oversight…it’s regulatory.
In a play to exploit the real estate market, an insane amount of variable interest mortgages are doled out like candy with ZERO regard as to the repercussions a few years down the road. This was a risk the mortgage companies took…and one they should be responsible for…not the taxpayers.
Here’s an idea. If our representative government is so damn stupid about spending all that money…why not bail out the people defaulting, rather than the lending institutions. Whats the difference? The individual interest of the people rarely extends to saving companies that repeatedly overreach themselves. They are however very interested in seeing their friend and loves ones back in their homes and safe.
So…no offense…but screw your lending institutions…put those companies out of business (which is what they deserve for being so greedy) and spend the money getting people back into their homes or for jobs, etc.
/rant over!
Anger is the poison we swallow, hoping others will die.
Anger is the poison we swallow, hoping others will die.
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