Tag: Randomosity…

BP’s unveils newest weapon against the tragic oil spill.

I just happened to get a glimpse of their startling new weapon to help us fight the oil spill and all the horrible damage it is causing…

I couldn’t believe it at first…but then…somehow…I was not surprised in the least…

A little funny…

This post strangely enough has very little to do with me, but lots to do with about a gazillion mom’s I know. Ya’ll pull off an amazing amount of TLC and damage control every day, and when asking if it was worth it, there’s never any question πŸ˜‰

I was surfing and somehow chanced on this graphic. I know loads and loads of mom’s that totally fit this bill πŸ˜‰

Dang ol’ internet.

At times like these…I have to ask myself, “What would Cheshire Cat do?”

It seems my cable modem isn’t worthy and is dropping >50% packets in and out. This makes for a very frustrated Tony.

Yeah, my internet went down, and for about a day I completely forgot I had long since prepared for this eventuality and invested in very helpful wireless technologies that would allow me to carry on, even after Time Warner couldn’t.

Anyhow, I wanted to let everyone know I am about to rapid-fire out the three posts I was originally procrastinating about but can now blame the ISP for. πŸ˜‰

Thanks for the patience guys….and if you’re wondering where the Cheshire Cat comment comes in…the very first thing I see when I turn on my computer is this:
