Tag: Randomosity…

Dr. Joseph Hunt, Part II

They want even more from me. Even with the transcript and the degree, the application was reviewed and they voiced a concern that philosophy/theology might not be a good choice to devote my life’s work.

“I never had any intention of devoting my life to your archetypical view of ‘where I should be,’ and luckily for me, this isn’t about where your review board feels I am best placed, but rather will I prove myself qualified as a Doctor of Philosophy. Please review the application for the intent it represents, rather than the concern of where this applicant intends his career.”

A day later…acceptance.

Cool eh?

It’s gonna take next to no time to get my MS because i already actually had most of the prerequisites, but because of the unrelated field I will end up doing most of the theological work all over again. I don’t mind..I sluffed the hell out of it when I was in school…;)


Funny Inspirational ;)This…tickled me.

Being Libra…

You’ll probably remember this day for quite a while because the Moon enters your sign while your key planet, Venus, has it out with shady Pluto. Instead of just giving into someone else’s power, realize that what you have cannot be taken away from you. Your real work now is not about standing up to anyone else. It’s about being true to yourself, whether you express it or not.

Am I being true to myself? Do I honestly have such a profound interest in the inner machinations of philosophy?

Who shot JFK? …err well I am not so interested in that one…

The truth is I see the best in everyone, and more often ignore the worst. I smell roses in every sweet breath, and taste sugar no matter the food, and see beauty in every glimpse.

Life is how you look at it, and I see just fine.

Horoscopes still suck. 🙂